No. I’m not. I didn’t post yesterday because I couldn’t get in front of my computer… and some dork hasn’t yet figured out how to make a half decent mobile app (that doesnt cost a bloody fortune)…. I’m looking at you, Tova.
There’s been lots of Muchness Goings On!! Yesterday I rec”d a gift card to macy’s as my holiday bonus at work. They were having a crazy sale and I skipped on over a bought me some muchtastic stuff, Including the red sparkly sweater I’m wearing today:
And then I left work a little early to get to our family Menora lighting party. Here’s where the fun began:
We light the Menorah
Then we open gifts!!
…. And looking at these pics I think it is very clear. I need a new phone. This camera drowned in grape juice and it’s days are done. This color is AFTER I photoshopped!!