I started a blog when I was pregnant with the twins. It started as an idea to document the pregnancy and maybe earn a little cash cuz, ya know, we were planning to have twins. That monetizing part of the plan never quite got off the ground, cuz when we started seeing early warning signs of TTTS, the blog became a place for me to go and just vent or talk or update about our many doctor appointments, my fears, my feelings… whatever.
After they died I stopped writing there very often but I wrote A LOT on the babyloss forums online where I felt heard and understood and like I could release some of my crazy-making feelings. Over time, the writing became part of my ‘processing process’. It helped me organize and understand my emotions and feelings and to create actionable plans to help me work through them.
Now I am writing here. On this blog. About all sorts of random Muchness. And I try to do it really honestly. Because otherwise, what’s the point? As I wrote a few weeks ago, the past few months have been challenging at work. And the fact that I have not felt ‘safe’ to blog about it here has really messed up my processing process. All my crazy-making thoughts are starting to make me feel just a wee-bit crazy.
So I’ve decided to blog about stuff that I need to get off my chest. Privately. Meaning, when I want to talk about something that is not in my best interest to share on the site, I will password protect the post. If you are a person I can safely share the post with, contact me to request the password. If I work with you, don’t ask. Just be taunted by my secrecy.