30 Day Deck of Muchness Moments!

I’m so excited to share with you the 30 Day Deck of Muchness Moments cards that I’ve been working on!!!

WooooHoooo!!!!! (I know…. it’s all so very exciting! Right?!?!)


These cards are designed to be a fun, interactive way for you to tap into your Muchness Moments… ya know, those moments that pop into your day where you feel light and joy from the inside…. those moments that are so easy to overlook if you’re not paying attention to them….


Cuz here’s the facts…. it’s really easy to overlook the good stuff.

It’s really easy to get hung up on all the bad shit that goes wrong on any given day. It’s really easy to bitch and moan about the little things that are annoying and lame and generally just move way. too. slow.

I know because I am a Grade A complainer. I know. True Confession. Shhhh.


(Yes, that’s right, it’s a big but.) 

…turns out YOU have control over the little things. It’s all about perception. You can actually train your brain to tune into the GOOD shit that pops up in your day. Revolutionary, right?

How do you do that? PRACTICE.

Just like wearing 7″ platforms, it just takes practice. And that’s what these cards are designed to do. They are designed to help you practice seeing the good stuff. Because life happens in the little moments. and YOU decide which ones you’re seeing.

[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNXk75ygLb0&feature=player_embedded”]

Please head on over to our Indiegogo campaign and pre-buy these cards for yourself and your favorite people. They are priced well below our actual retail price PLUS there’s like, tons of add-on bonuses that make them Super-muchtastic! If we don’t meet our goal, I can’t make the cards and then there’s gonna be lots of muchless, sad faced people moping around…. including you! (Though you will get your $ back)

So, Please do what you can to help us spread Muchness!!!! Share the campaign, share the site, take a 30 Day Muchness Challenge! Be a hero, Be Muchtastic. You Rock!


Love & Muchness, Tova

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