I have an invention. It’s a top secret idea for a product you didn’t know you couldn’t live without. I’d tell you about it but then I’d have to … well, let’s just say, I’m not gonna tell you about it. I’ve been procrastinating / too busy to make it to the hardware store to buy the raw materials I need to make some sorta prototype. That is an example of me standing in my own way of my destiny. No More. This morning, after buying my coffee in my regular spot, I looked through the windshield of my car and saw a hardware store that I’ve always known was there, but never, in the 4 years I’ve lived in my house, have walked into.
So today, I walked into the store.
An older gentleman asked me if I needed help and I explained what things I thought I was looking for. I told him I had an idea for an invention and wanted to make a prototype. He said that he was an inventor too- of toys. I said I TOO was a toy inventor! I have a degree in toy design and spent my first two years out of school working at an inventing company.
We got to chatting and he said he’d spent much of his life in advertising. I said my dad spent much of his life in advertising too! When I was a kid he’d written all the commercials for General Mills Cereals (like the famous “Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids” and “Kookoo for Cocoa Puffs“) He said he’d written the stuff for Booberry and I said that I actually grew up with a framed cartoon animation cell of Booberry on my bedroom wall! And then I said “Do you know my dad?” thinking “what’re the chances?” … HE SAT NEXT TO HIM FOR 3 YEARS 30 YEARS AGO…. What ARE the chances??? He even said my dad’s name popped into his head a couple days ago as he wondered about the people from his past. KARAYZEE. I took this as a sign that the universe was working in sync with me and I NEED to prototype this concept ASAP.
I came home in a great mood and found my Advanced Review Copy Of Happier at Home. This is Gretchen Rubin -Bestselling Author of The Happiness Project’s – next book that is due to be released in September! I got a copy to review and share with you, my fabulous readers, her muchtastic ideas for living happier at home!! I can’t WAIT to read it and let you know what I think!
Today’s Muchness Pic- Me with the book!
How’s that for a headshot?
I already think I’m gonna love this book… I took a pic of it in front of my Muchy door and It matches my house.
Your dad and your life sounds so cool. What are the freaking chances? wow. Can’t wait to see what you’re cooking up.
I think you’ve inspired me to write up something about my parents.
My dad would love to hear that.
Today felt pretty cool… but on regular days my life’s pretty much as ordinary as it gets.
So now I have to sit on pins and needles to find out what this new invention is!!! Ok it will be worth the wait or was the invention a lead in to the hardware store? oh who cares. What I do care about is that Super Muchy shirt you are wearing/hiding behind that new book!!!! It could be a sequins vest but then it looks like you’re wearing 2 different shirts because of your sleeves. This could be fun….”What in the World is Tova Wearing?” hahaha
I just got her Happiness Project on my kindle. Can’t wait to start it’