Putting away suitcases above high closet I stumbled upon a tightly folded piece of paper in the back corner of the shelf. Unfolded it to find this “check to myself” belonging to the previous tenants of this house. 100 miiiiilllion dollars. They didn’t date the check (I would’ve- the universe needs clear instructions!!! details!!! deadlines!!!!) but I put it on my fridge… deciding if it actually means anything in my life (thinking not) but amused by it nonetheless… Posted on April 4, 2017 by Tova Love & Muchness, Tova Sign up for Muchy Updates HERE! View all posts by Tova → Blog Twitter Facebook Related PostsTOVA’S MUCHNESS PIC OF THE DAYThis is my lifeTova’s Muchness Challenge – Day 18 – Yet ANOTHER surprise post opportunityTova’s Muchness Challenge – Day 15!! Some introspection on Muchness…My Chat with Dr. Dembo!