This is THE PAGE to share your MUCHNESS MOMENT Pics!!!
This site has become a Mecca for Muchness, but I know there are so many of you with your own Muchness moments and I would LOVE if you shared them here. Just Click CHOOSE FILE below, grab your pic from your computer, add your COMMENT and click SUBMIT! Couldn’t be easier!
Stay tuned for information about our next MONDAYS MUCHNESS MOMENT but until then, HAPPY POSTING!!!!!
(PS- don’t delete the HTML that pops up in the text box. Just write your comment below it!)
My girls are my Muchness! They keep me inspired!!
My 30 seconds of muchness!
30 seconds!!! Were that ring all friggin day or I’ll personally come in your office and steal it from you!
Did Esther just post?????????
Carly helps me find my muchness everyday! She is VERY muchy!
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Nelly loves making hand flowers. Craft time is a very important thing around here.
[img] 2011 020.jpg[/img]
My 11 year old client’s homemade flipflops had me flipping out my camera to share her Muchkin Muchness. Then I told her mom all about the Muchness and she’s gonna check it out and tell all her friends!
wow those are pretty cool! Does she sell these or have a website??
she said it was a kit each girl got at a party to make her own.
Brooke made a dress today that is full of muchness. BONUS I found the material on sale for 2.50 a meter
Double bonus, it took about 15 minutes to make!
cute! very creative! I love On sale fabric!
another Muchkin has found her Muchness! this is our first tomato of the season and Batya was so excited to pick it herself and show it off!
My kids and dogs are my muchness. They are enjoying my sons $1 garage sale pool, yes, pool, pump all working for $1. !!!!
Thanks for uploading!!!
Wish I could have been there!!!
Now that DEFINES muchness!
LMAO you are just too awesome.
Wow, that was not how I pictured Michael Ray Overby. That is F.U.N! So Tova sprinkled a bit of muchness your way, eh?
I am not sure that this is MUCH…maybe too much! I like what they are doing here…pink, sequins, fun. But the girl’s name is Sharpay!! Isn’t that a type of Dog?!
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i thought high school musical was sooo yesterday! it’s back?? and yes, “sharpay” (actually, shar-pei) is a kind of dog, and also the name of that character in hsm. ask me why i know this!!! i have muchkins living in my house!!!:)
what is that sharpay? isnt that ashley tisdale?
(strangle me for knowing that…. unless Im wrong. In which case, buy me a drink
The whole thing just made me go “Huh?” Thanks, L’via, I didn’t even know this was HSM. (I am kinda glad I didn’t though!)
OK. I was in Target yesterday and I was SO disappointed. There was not a sequin to be found in the womens OR junior department. Not even any bright Muchy colors! Everything was dull and dreary and blah and boo and yuck. I did not buy one single thing (in the clothes department. Well, except these for my husband, but they dont count. That stuff in the kids department was the closest to Muchness they had in the store.
I got my super awesome muchness band in the mail. Made my freaking day.
Side note: I used to look at old people and wonder what I’d be like when I got old. I saw me as a woman who refused to go with grey curly short hair. I saw forever dyed longish hair, black slimming outfits, little to no makeup. NOW I see a shiny sparkly old woman who wears age inappropriate things and feels be-a-uti-ful.
Thanks Tova. Oh, and my old people love the muchness band too. It’s great sparkling and making people smile.
yay!!!!! Looks awesome with your tongue!!!! hahahahHAHAHAHA!!!! that is MUCHtastic!!!!
…and I actually have had the EXACT same thought about old ladies and their kooky clothes!!! TOO FUNNY!
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My muchness of the DAY!!! (they remind me of Tova) and I want these…
I LOVE these shoes. They sell them at the same store that sold my Muchy makeover skate shoes… but theyre sold out. BOOOO
ok well LULU sells them-so GET ON IT TOVA – you need them haha
Hi Tova, do you think Yvette’s mommy would look good in those muchness shoes…cant wait to meet you….
Thanks dont know if I can handle the height but we can do some modifications…cant wait to meet you. Hope Hurricane Irene was nice to you and your family.
SOOO I abosolutely LOVE taking HOT yoga, not only because of the benefits it has on the body but also because it helps me become at peace with myself and helps me let go of my ego and live in the NOW. I have been very busy and going through some stuff health wise as well as family – so its been QUITE a while since I’ve taken classes and this weekend I decided to find my muchness starting yesterday!
My boyfriend and I kept his brother company while getting a tattoo and i decided to get one as well (she was an apprentice and it was free – meant to be, i’d say ;-)) I got the Namaste OM symbol – and it helps us/me realize the Unknowable. Om, therefore, represents both the unmanifest (nirguna) and manifest (saguna) aspects of life. That is why it is called pranava, to mean that it pervades life and runs through our prana or breath. So II found my muchness again – I lost it for a long long time and this weekend it was meant to be and I’m ready to get back in the swing of things – This “MUCHNESS” website and working with Tova made me realize so many great things life really has to offer and it DOES get better – and I might be ready for my 30 day challenge soon
You are the third person to make Muchness part of their body!! two people (that I know of- got piercings in the spirit of MUCHNESS!!!!! That is beautiful— I love how it looks like a heart!! Now I have to see it in person!!!
Hey girl I hope this addition to the body is hidden!!!!! LOL…too much muchness like this could be??????
This is my neice, Jennings…I love her so much! She makes me smile..always taking pics of herself! So much great self esteem!
She’s so pretty!
thanks tova!
This gets me everytime, and can make an awesome print for something!
Thank you Tova for finding YOUR Muchness so we can too!
Miriam- you should share a pic— i KNOW you are very muchy!!!
The inflatable cupcake carrier! How posh is that!
omg. this must be at the xmas tree shop.
nope, TJ Maxx.. equally awesome
Not equally- almost. There us a special specialness to Christmas tree shops that cannot be competed against.
L’via- I specifically asked tzippora to post that cuz I knew u’d see it. Haha!! I wanna make cupcakes and bring them somewhere just do I can put them into that inflatable cupcake carrier!!!
sorry, was trying to upload this last night…working now….how’s this for Muchy?:) <3
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This is my boss, Kelley, who has Muchness in abandon. But today for our big company meeting we had the theme “Day at the Races” and a hat contest. She made this hat based on the “Go Dog Go” book from Dr. Seuss, a near perfect replica!!! She’s super Muchy, especially for picking a “party dress” to wear with her dress
O. M. G.
I love this woman.
Where is your hat tine???
I’ll be posting it later
But don’t get all excited, it’s not so fancy. But I DID wear one… for the WHOLE 2 hours! I’ve had some stuff going on and I totally forgot about this day until she messaged me late last night to show me her finished product, so I rummaged in the boys room for something 
I typoed…she wore a dress with her HAT, not her dress…yikes…lol
Okay, actually, she wore a “party dress” with her HAT. Duh
That’s what I get for trying to have sneaky Muchness at work 
Skipped cleaning my house to play ball!
I just cant argue with not cleaning the house. I’m that person. anything other than cleaning the house….
Me too…
It’s 1989, and the future is…
the picture is upside down but w/e its equally as funny xoxo
My Muchness for today – is finishing Tovas gum
I just bought that gum yesterday!!! I just ate one piece!!!! That’s really funny. I can just imagine y’all like “oh! We finished TOVAS gum!!!! Oh!!!! Let’s take a pic and make it a Muchness pic of the day!!! Thatd be hysterical!!!” bam. Well if that’s the price I pay for staying home Fridays, I’m ok with that.
It doesnt surprise me when Yvette comes to visit…things seem to disappear gum, hairspray, food…the next will be my parollet bird named Blue…pictures to follow..
I know. You’re all thinking, did she really post a pic of her boobs? Yes. Today I had my first mammogram. This is muchy because it is taking care of myself. As a mother, I have a hard time making appointments like this just because I can’t imagine 3 kids in the room with me and, although my family is supportive and helpful, I hate asking for help.
My mom was 40 when she was diagnosed with cancer and they told her that she had had it for about 10 years. That would have made her 30 when the cancer started. I’m 30. So I bit the bullet. It didn’t hurt like I anticipated it. I’d rather have a mammogram than a mosquito bite, actually.
Ao it’s a muchtastic day for me because he said everything looks fine. NO worries whatsoever. Because of my family history, he wants to see me every other year till I’m 40, then every year, but today was a bill of health. Love these healthy breasts!
you go girl!!!! good for you for staying on top of it and getting squished! THAT is definitely muchness!
Introducing my 21 month old nephew to art making……
love it!!!
I hope you painted the soles of his feet and let him walk across the paper leaving “animal tracks”— They love it and its hysterical to watch them giggle when the paintbrush is brushing their feet with paint. Its totally ticklish!!
I’m not into Hello Kitty, but this is the house muchness built
WOOOOOW. That is insane Muchness.
My Color Splash episode is going to air in 4-5 weeks (still waiting for confirmation on the exact air date) … but let me tell you… My house is a Muchness explosion, thanks to this guy
This is my new grandson, BlingyIZM Fort
And now for some muchness jeans…oh what to do? They don’t fit anymore.
Shall we make skirts or shoulder bags, an IPad carrying case or shoulder bags. I post, you decide.
and here’s come more!
I like the colorful Alice In wonderland looking ones the best.

You could make one of these:
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My muchness pic holds a special place in my heart because when I was a kid, we didn’t travel much. The one place my parents took us was to Drumheller, Alberta. It has a dinosaur museum and badlands (interesting mountain like formations that have been eroded) and this tiny church. Throughout my childhood, every time we went there, we took a pic of our family infront of this church. When I grew up, I took my husband there and we had our pic taken there too. Now whenever we go as a family, we always take our picture at this church. I think I might create a photo album merely of this church and my life infront of it.
I am going to the gym like this tonight. Why? Because I kinda had a shitty day and I need a little sparkle to make me feel better.
I used to make vinyl pants and I’d go clubbing in them. I’d sweat BUCKETS in those things and always think “damn- with all this sweating I’m doing, I must be burning off all the calories in the alcohol!”… and then I’d drink some more.
I ADORE those pants! And I LOVE that you are wearing them to the gym! The positive energy you’re going to give off is gonna come right back at you!
Thanks Tova! It wasn’t actually that bad. These only look like they trap in the heat, it’s a spandex material meant for dancers. And did you notice the muchness band? I love it tied around my ponytail. And one of my fellow torturees (probably not a word, but people that are tortured along with me;) ) couldn’t stop smiling at them and told me these pants look like they should be dancing. lets go dancing. I think it’s time for another trip to this fabric place though. I saw your recent trip….that material is amazing…. I need another pair of pants!
I DIDNT notice the Muchness band. LAME. (me. for not noticing. not you. you rock. hahaha)
I liked that my pants made me sweat so much! It was like a workout within a workout within a drunken party!
You would go BANANAS walking through the NYC garment district. The fabric stores are one after another after another with the most spectacular fabrics. Uch- I wanna force you to come to NY just to watch you do that. What an event that would be!
LMAO Tova. Be careful what you ask for. My friend is turning 38 this year and she insists that when she turns 40 we take a road trip to New York. Personally, I would be terrified of getting lost, spending all day and night in a traffic jam, etc, but she’s pretty insistent. If it’s NOT a pipe dream, I will totally let you know! Watch me, I’ll go to New York and bring back a SUV packed to the roof with shiny fabric. Imagine what customs will say! ah, sigh.
Ok. First. Get gps. U won’t get lost. Second. What’s so nightmarish about traffic? Its annoying but hardly the stuff of nightmares. And in the city you take subways. No traffic.
Third. You should TOTALLY come. Im gonna have to sell 10 boatloads of Muchness bands so I can afford to build a guestroom to host all my Muchness peeps I’ve invited to come crash and see the city. U totally should.
Ok so I don’t have a picture BUT – I lost my iPhone yesterday during my lunch break. I decided to go to forever 21 just to “window shop” the next thing I knew I was phoneless…now Forever21 in NEW YORK midtown is frigin HUGEEEE…so I am looking and looking and looking and found NOTHING–as you can imagine I am in COMPLETE hysterics…So my lunch break is 15mins OVER–I decide to walk back to work and call my boyfriend to tell him….long story short I come home and he takes me to Best Buy buys me a new iPhone, screen protector AND case…The case is silver and so sparkley I love it…he made my nightmare turn into a great dream…sounds a little dramatic and crazy but that phone was my LIFE…ahah my babyyy…I’m going to try to take a picture so you can all see how muchy my new iPhone and case is
and all in all — its more special NOW than before because he took his time and money and went above and beyond!!! It shows a lot and I love him — ok sooo maybe the iPhone isnt my LIFE — but I know who is — Jay <3
Well daughter what can I say so you lost your iPhone or were you picked pocketed lol….the best part of this scenario your blessing for your day was how wonderful Jay is and Daddy and I love him like a son….yeah yeah yeah…
OK, so I took my 1 1/2 year old, 3 1/2 year old and 7 year old daughters for a girls shopping day and lunch. I asked them for their opinons on the clothes I tried on. They said hideous to everything BUT this. Brooke pointed out that it was muchness (she’s an expert at muchness at this point) so it was a winner. Not sure if it’s fabulous or old lady like, but what the hell, my kids think I’m beautiful in it. I have a suspicion it will grow on me. And Brooke has already called dibs on it when she grows up!
I love that dress. You MUST wear it with some colorful shoes though!!!! NO BLACK!!!
Muchness to me is counting your blessings everyday after a hard day of work… blessing for today is that I have two beautiful children Yvette and Tom who have grown to make their parents proud……Hugs to you guys when you read this…
OK, so, my friend came over when Alexis was a couple weeks old and did her footprints. On the bottom left, she added my oldest daughters’ handprint and on the bottom right, my middle daughters’ handprints. Then she painted in the rest. This is my most cherished piece of art. I hung it in the kitchen. She was so good with the kids and they were amazed with Cheryl. So double muchness for today, the painting itself is muchness and friends like this is muchness.
What a great piece and I love that you framed it so beautifully.
I’m inspired. I wanna do this!!!!
Very Cute Idea, looks very nice framed.
Today muchness is knowing that my family is safe after Hurricane Irene….the inconveniences of flooding, debris of trees, no electric, food waste, basement flooding of our son’s house are minor to what others have suffered….we pray for everyone out there…God Bless my children and their significant others….
This is all I had close by for muchness inspiration….took the pic on the laptop camera….and look at the muchy little bow! Forgot I put that in my hair when I found it in the car……it’s a sign! The Muchness will not be weakened by the website malfunction!!!!!!
The MUCHNESS will Rise again!!!!
(I need some white wine….)
Aren’t they BEAUTIFULL!!
I ordered the pink to show my support for Breast Cancer Awareness, and the gold is my special little pick me up
I LOVE them, & they are a wonderful inspiration to remember Muchness in my life….
Have you ordered yours yet?!?!
Ok…Please disregard Lynette’s comments here and above :/
I made a boo-boo when uploading my pic of my Muchness bands!
Besides all that…Ellen, love your bow!! I need a glass of vino too :)))
Double the Muchness!! Why just wear one?!?
You can’t help but smile when you look at them