I know MANY of you have been following The Muchness since I first started wearing my daily sequins back in March 2011. Within 2 days of starting my challenge, I knew I was tapping into something much more powerful than sequins. I was tapping into a joy, a passion and a form of self-expression that I had been neglecting for far too long. The sequins were just a tool that helped me to do that. Don’t get me wrong- I LOVE the sequins- I’ve always loved anything sparkly, but I just didn’t have the confidence to even THINK about wearing them out in broad daylight! FORCING myself out of my comfort zone, little by little, over the course of 30 days, helped me realize I was letting fear and insecurity hold me back from feeling the MUCHNESS inside that I used to feel.
Are you thinking of taking the 30 Day Challenge? Are you worried you don’t know what your Muchness ‘is’? Ask yourself these questions, and reach deep into your truths to find the answers:
- If you could spend your day doing anything, without worrying about money, what would it be? Would you paint, write, cook, design Muchtastic hair accessories? Those are your passions! Maybe you used to think about these things but somewhere along the line, you’ve forgot you even liked them! They are laying dormant in you, waiting for you to pay attention to them.
- What is a characteristic you have always admired in others but didn’t feel you were capable of possessing? Speaking multiple languages, doing charitable deeds, knowing how to walk in a killer pair of heels? Who says you CAN’T do those things? Unless your goal, like mine, is wearing those killer heels and your chiropractor forbids it, take the plunge! Go do it!! Even if it’s just in tiny little amounts over the next 30 days, even if you really aren’t very good at it, so what? You will gain confidence from confirming that the power to at least try IS in your hands!!
- What are you good at? Are you thinking that this sentence is about to contradict the one I just completed? Well, don’t. We all love to do things we’re good at. I barely do anything I’m not at least semi-good at. (you will not find me on any ski slopes in the near future, haha) But ya know what? So many of us don’t realize how good we are at doing some of the stuff we already do. Maybe you’re a stay-at-home mom and you just go about your days “momming.” Stop. Think about it. Maybe your are REALLY VERY EXCELLENT at that and you just think of it as ‘something you do.’ Maybe you aren’t a great cook but make FANTASTIC soups- take ownership of that and BE the AWESOME soup maker!!! Sometimes you don’t have to paint our talents with such a big brush. Sometimes, the parts we’re great at are hiding in the smaller, more nuanced strokes. Look for them. Find them. Celebrate them. (Oh, and blog about them here!)
Conversely, sometimes we believe we are good at something, yet our journey through life presents us with circumstances or people that make us doubt what we believe we know about ourselves. If you think back, can you remember a time you felt self-confident about something, but then had that confidence ripped away from you by someone or something else? Stop. Now’s the time to reclaim it. The only day better than today for taking back your confidence, was yesterday.
Well, that’s it for now. I say that because I could go on. And on. I have so much I want to post here. In time, I will.
One important thing I will leave with you today:
There are two types of MUCHNESS Moments.
-The first are the organic moments that just happen – your baby covered herself in mashed potatoes, a beautiful sunset behind an abandoned old warehouse, the view of your family on a walk, all holding hand; things which simply made you stop and smile and give thanks for the things you have in this world.
-The second type are MUCHNESS moments that are ‘manufactured.’ Sequins and high heels on a random tuesday, baking a cake and decorating it with edible glitter, just so you can photograph it, an otherwise pointless picture of yourself making a silly face.
My original 30 Day Challenge had both types of pictures. Your “theme” is great for helping you create the “manufactured” moments. Those are specific, purposeful, consciously planned moments built around something that brings you joy. However, those moments will open up your eyes and your spirit to be more receptive to the organic moments. The ones that are already there, just waiting to be found.
Looking forward to seeing you GET IN TOUCH WITH THE MUCH!