Author: Tova
30 Day Deck of Muchness Moments!
I’m so excited to share with you the 30 Day Deck of Muchness Moments cards that I’ve been working on!!!
WooooHoooo!!!!! (I know…. it’s all so very exciting! Right?!?!)
These cards are designed to be a fun, interactive way for you to tap into your Muchness Moments… ya know, those moments that pop into your day where you feel light and joy from the inside…. those moments that are so easy to overlook if you’re not paying attention to them….
Cuz here’s the facts…. it’s really easy to overlook the good stuff.
It’s really easy to get hung up on all the bad shit that goes wrong on any given day. It’s really easy to bitch and moan about the little things that are annoying and lame and generally just move way. too. slow.
I know because I am a Grade A complainer. I know. True Confession. Shhhh.
(Yes, that’s right, it’s a big but.)
…turns out YOU have control over the little things. It’s all about perception. You can actually train your brain to tune into the GOOD shit that pops up in your day. Revolutionary, right?
How do you do that? PRACTICE.
Just like wearing 7″ platforms, it just takes practice. And that’s what these cards are designed to do. They are designed to help you practice seeing the good stuff. Because life happens in the little moments. and YOU decide which ones you’re seeing.
[youtube_sc url=””]
Please head on over to our Indiegogo campaign and pre-buy these cards for yourself and your favorite people. They are priced well below our actual retail price PLUS there’s like, tons of add-on bonuses that make them Super-muchtastic! If we don’t meet our goal, I can’t make the cards and then there’s gonna be lots of muchless, sad faced people moping around…. including you! (Though you will get your $ back)
So, Please do what you can to help us spread Muchness!!!! Share the campaign, share the site, take a 30 Day Muchness Challenge! Be a hero, Be Muchtastic. You Rock!
Fresh Perspective and why it’s so important
It’s been almost 3 months since I left my full time job and I gotta say, working from home is not all it’s cracked up to be. It’s hard. It’s hard to stay motivated, it’s hard to stay connected to human beings and simultaneously, it’s hard to stay off Facebook when I know I have important work to get done if I am going to share The Muchness with The Masses.
But one thing that became very clear to me in the last few days is that I’ve gotten stuck in a rut. I’ve forgotten that this is supposed to be -NAY – this NEEDS to be FUN! I’ve been so bogged down by the BIG HEAVY questions of what I’m doing + being at home almost all day, all by myself, that I’ve forgotten to have any fun!!
So. Not. Muchy.
Last night I went to a networking event. I met some really interesting women doing some exciting stuff, and got to speak OUT LOUD, TO HUMAN BEINGS, about The Muchness. I got to tell one woman all of my visions for MuchnessTV and I loved watching her laugh as I described how I envisioned it, the different segments and guests.
I need to figure out how to get out from behind my computer more often. I love people. I love watching the reactions I get when I explain The Muchness- The lightbulb moment where they I *get* it and say “oh! I have to get a Muchness band for my sister / cousin / friend – That’s exactly what they need to lift them out of this funk.”
It’s my fuel. My tank was feeling close to empty. I pull the same crap with my car, letting it get so close to empty before I pull into a gas station. Note to self: I must refuel myself before that light goes on. Do you also let your tank get down to E before you remember to refuel? In your car… in your life? It’s so hard sometimes, so ya just keep justifying – “oh- I only have to make one short trip, then I’ll refuel. Oh, I can feel the car hesitating but the lights not even on yet…. blah blah blah….” the justifications are ultimately so useless.
Words of wisdom for a friday
I have the key to happiness. I’ve had it all along.
Last week my younger brother got up in front of 200 or so people and made a speech at his newborn sons Bris. He talked about a bunch of things I won’t bore you with. The thing that knocked me on the forehead and said “Hello!” is what I’ve sat down to share with you today.
My brother is actually my half brother. My mom married my stepdad when I was 5 years old and together they had 3 kids. 2 younger brothers with a sister sandwiched in the middle. This was the older younger brother. The younger younger brother’s baby boys Bris was on sunday.
My stepfather died when I was 14. His kids were 2, 5 and 7. Both of my new nephews were named for their grandfather, my stepfather. Baby boys receive their names at their bris and hearing them call their sons by their father’s name was really beautiful.
In my brother’s speech he spoke about a magnet my mom, who’d been widowed at 35 with us 5 kids, has had on the refrigerator for just about as long as I can remember.
It reads:
“Most people are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
This is a sentiment which, when life is in the middle of shitting on you, can make you wanna take a magnet and hurl it out a window.
But somehow, after years of reading that line over and over and over again, every time we reached for a soda or an apple or a roasted chicken leg, it seems to now truly define a large part of what believe about ourselves as adults.
The Muchness was born from my decision to make up my mind to be happier. All the self-help gurus and happiness coaches in the world always basically come back to this core belief.
“Most people are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
Sure, they each provide different tools to get you there: affirmations, meditation, gratitude, kindness towards others, goal setting etc. etc. etc. My tool? Sparkle. To each his own. And yes, it’s possible that other stuff kinda works too….
But ultimately, it boils down to this: It’s not about waiting to be happy, it’s about making up your mind to be.
Thank You mom for the lesson. I want to teach it to my kids, every time they reach into the fridge for a chocolate pudding, because I see now how well it’s served us. So I made a muchy magnet and because I love to share what makes me feel muchy. you can get one too.
How Muchtastic is that?
Why do I need to write?
I’ve been sitting at this computer at least an hour longer than I know I should be. Spending that hour asleep would be a much wiser use of my time. But I feel like I need to write. That feeling has been eluding me lately. The past four days have been a whirlwind and I can’t tell if it’s that I’m not processing it, or if my processing process is so much different than what it was for most of my life that I am actually processing it and just don’t recognize the process.
So let’s proceed. Here is a rundown of the last 4 days:
Thursday: I learned that my very close friends 23 month old daughter had unexpectedly died. I learned this while at Liat’s school, picking her up because she had a fever and needed to come home. That is actually a story in and of itself. For another time.
….Frankly, I don’t remember much else about that day.
Friday: My younger brother’s wife gave birth to their first baby, a healthy little boy! Very exciting news! I am an aunt again! Yay!
My other very close friend took her precious little six month old to the hospital for invasive, life saving surgery. I waited on pins and needles for news. There were complications. I spent a lot of time waiting.
Both of my girls are home sick. I explain to Molly about death. Not fun nor easy.
Saturday: The six month old sweetie is doing a bit better. We’re not out of the woods but heading in that direction. Thankfully.
I sit and write a long email to a friend about all that’s going on. She replies with words of insight and strength. A few hours later she texts me to tell me her father in law unexpectedly died that morning. Really?
Sunday: I wake up to news that my other younger brother’s wife just gave birth to healthy baby boy! (Please note- this is my other brother’s wife, not my brother’s other wife… in case you were suddenly thinking I was Mormon )
Then, I went to a first birthday celebration for a little girl born after her parents struggled for years to conceive her. They are now 4+ months pregnant again.
Then, I went to the viewing and visitation for my friend’s daughter. They asked everyone to wear white rather than black, to celebrate their daughters life.
I created this blog and I speak about remembering the light inside the darkness, and seeing the joy despite the pain.
It’s been a rough couple of days. I really want to meet my nephews.
What to tell a friend when their child dies.
Sculpture Image Via The Midnight Orange
This is a post I hesitate to write because it’s not about me. It’s about a beautiful friend of mine who lost her precious daughter this morning. She would have turned two in just a few weeks. It is not my place to write about her loss, but my heart is so broken for her, and this is where I come when my heart is breaking.
As the “resident expert” on babyloss I feel like I am expected to know what to do more than the average person on how to “be there” for her. I don’t feel like that, but in some ways, I suppose it’s true, if only because most people are so clueless. When I visited her this morning she asked me through tears “What am I supposed to do?” and I numbly said “Nothing. I didn’t do anything for weeks.”
That was a painfully stupid reply. It is I that can do nothing.
I want plan to go back and tell her…
“You should think about your daughter. Talk about her. Remember every little thing about her as vividly as you can. Speak her name. A million times. Write every word she’d learned in her two short years. The way she spoke her brother’s name. The way she said Mamma and Daddy. The foods she loved, and those she hated. Write every memory, every story, every laugh and giggle and smile and hug, every time her eyelashes tickled your cheek. Feel her spirit and presence surrounding you and feel her arms around you. Cry as loud an you can, as hard as you need to. Write down every word her doctors spoke, though they will be etched on your heart like stone forever anyway. Love her. Grieve her. Celebrate her. Mourn her. Make everyone tell you what they remember about her, what they love about her, how she made them feel when she smiled at them or reached out her arms to be held by them. Soak in every fleeting thought and comment…. and breathe. Second to second, minute to minute. … and don’t think beyond that.”
And then I will ask her to tell me everything about her little girl. I will sit with her in her pain. I will sit in her memories and confusion, in her fear and isolation. I’ll sit as long as she wants, or I’ll leave as soon as she wants.
I went this afternoon and brought journals for them. One for my friend, one for her husband and one for their family and friends to write their memories of my friend’s daughter. One thing I do know is that after a baby is gone every single memory becomes the very fabric of that person’s existence. For moms whose babies died before they had a chance to live, it is the morning sickness, the stretch marks, the hospital visits, the words the doctors spoke. Those few memories equal a baby’s whole life. This child was almost 2 years old. My friend is entitled to every single memory created in those 700+ days. I hope her friends and family fill that journal cover to cover with all the beautiful things – big and small – they remember about this sweet little girl. Not to fill it with condolences, but to fill it with moments of blessings and sweetness and laughter and joy, because that is what this little girl brought to the world.
Connect to your (highest purpose) Muchness.
I came across the video and love so much about it. Please watch it… it takes so much of what I babble about (that I was POSITIVE I’d discovered! haha) and really makes it sound logical and achievable.
My favorite thing? His list of desired emotional responses is like a stock list for Muchness.
Am I right or am I right?!?!
Watch this video!
[youtube_sc url=”″]
Guest Post: Dr. Phil Dembo!
It’s been a week and I’ve been hiding under a rock. While all the other bloggers in the nation have popped up in the last week to share their thoughts on Sandy Hook, I’ve basically curled up into a little ball and haven’t said a word. I think that part of me thinks that I just have nothing to add that hasn’t been said… but I know that’s silly. I guess, in order to really, truly acknowledge it on my blog I have to ‘go there’ – in my mind, in my heart, I have to go there… and I’m just not ready.
But I do want to acknowledge it here, as it should be acknowledged everywhere so those children and teachers are never forgotten and so I am sharing Dr. Dembo’s personal story about this topic…
Posted December 16th, 2012
Sandy Hook Elementary School started the day like every other elementary school in America.
In this country, parents and their children wake up each day with their morning rituals.
Parents can be heard from house to house making sure that their kids brush their teeth, make their beds, eat a little breakfast, and have their backpacks ready to go.
All over this great land of ours, parents and kids kiss goodbye as parents go off to work and kids head to class. The furthest thing from anybody’s mind is that this could be the last time they actually get to kiss their child goodbye.
But, for 20 families from Sandy Hook Elementary in suburban Connecticut, that is exactly what happened today!
Unbelievable! Unthinkable! Unimaginable! Unspeakable!
But, excruciatingly true!!
The 20 year old son of a woman who worked at the school walked into the building and killed his mother, 20 children, and many other adults before turning the gun on himself and committing suicide.
The story for me seems to pale in comparison (if that’s possible) to the immense magnitude of grief for everyone involved…every student, every sibling, every friend, every neighbor, every coworker, and of course, every parent…And to every other parent who has lost their own child, like my beautiful wife Linda!
Six years ago, May 7, 2007, I stood and watched as they buried my 13 year old step son into the ground.
Unbelievable! Unthinkable! Unimaginable! Unspeakable!
But, excruciatingly true!
He died unexpectedly of a surgery gone wrong. Watching his mother, my wife, bury her son is a moment of horror that never leaves me. Holding her close through her night terrors during the nights that followed never truly ends.
My wife lost her son.
We lost a child.
And it never ends, it never goes away.
Ours is the story of one family’s child and the possible risks associated with any type of medical procedure of this sort.
You don’t expect it but, unfortunately, these things do happen.
But, going to school??
Going to school is supposed to be the safest place other than ones family home.
Going to school is where you go to learn, to be with your friends, and to spend the day until you come home and say hello to your parents again.
Going to school is NOT where you go to die.
Life isn’t supposed to end in tragedy.
Life is supposed to end when we are finished with it.
Perhaps the 20 year old shooter was finished with his life, but these children were not.
They were just beginning to live.
There will be no end to the magnitude of this grief.
There will be no making sense of this horrible waste.
There will only be the night terrors for these parents, these families, and for all of us who understand this moment for what it is…..
…Life ending before anyone was ready for it.
Never getting to say goodbye never leaves you.
It’s just not supposed to be this way.
Dr. Dembo’s book The Real Purpose of Parenting: The Book You Wish Your Parents Read is available on and, and in Barnes and Noble bookstores. You can visit his blog here.
Stop being afraid… Then, do a happy dance.
SO Excited!!!
I am now officially a regular contributor to Still Standing Magazine!
Today my first post went live and I am so proud to be in the company of the amazing women (and one dude) that get to write for them on a regular basis!
My friend Beryl from The Muchness Meets Photography Challenge is a contributor there and it was really she (though she doesn’t know it) that gave me the confidence to approach them about writing. Ya know, for a year I’d thought about asking for the opportunity, but didn’t have the guts to just do it.
So, ya know what I have to say (to you AND to me???)
Stop being afraid to ask for what you want!! I woke up the morning after I quit my job with a fresh outlook and the first thing I did was write them an email asking if I could be a contributor.
They said no.
But they did offer me to write a guest post, which I did that same day.
And then, about a week later, they asked me to be a contributor.
And I totally happy danced around the living room like a dork. My goal for 2013? Plant more scary seeds which give me more reasons to potentially dance around the living room like a dork.
…after all, my living room is MADE for dancing.
Miscarriage, Muchness and finding time to write a blog post.
“….I miscarried like 2 weeks ago…thought I was over it but had a doc appt today…just finished bawling…well maybe not finished”
I receive that text message from a friend today.
I replied- “OOOOh- I am so so sorry… You should not set your goal as getting “over it”…. that’s just a false perceived endpoint and an almost impossible spot to get to…. and actually, not a logical spot to want to get to”
if i dont put it out of my mind i’ll be a wreck
It doesn’t work that way.
…but hey I’m listening
you can’t just “put it out of your mind” and expect it to be out of your mind. you kinda just have to let it flow through you. it will. and you will eventually come to a place of peace with it.
If there is one thing I know—- time does not pass any quicker or any slower just because you tell it to…. and the ONLY thing that will help you deal with it is time…. the second thing is what you do with that time. If you spend that time “putting it out of your mind” it’s gonna find it’s way out in ugly ways and you won’t know how to process your behaviors.
heeh muchness! …hey u just wrote a blog post!
I know…. I write effing blog posts all the time in private convos with people…. I never get a chance to rewrite & post them ‘cuz I’m so disorganized.
copy paste n edit yo!
done. Thanks for letting me share it!
cool but not with a name
never with a name…