Inspiration for a Tuesday, Via Marie Forleo


I made this sticker for my work computer about three weeks ago. (I made a duplicate as a magnet for my fridge too.) Since then, I can’t tell you the countless times I’ve thought to myself “Remember Tova- Everything is Figureoutable” and it’s helped me keep my cool.

For Example: Today this quote helped me figure out how to get out of the office for lunch just long enough to write this post and share a MuchnessPicOfTheDay of my muchy skirt and shoes!

The first paragraph above is 100% serious. …it’s possible however that the example part should have been written in my official “sarcasm font” and was just an attempt to sneak in a picture of my muchy outfit… But it’s also possible I’m completely serious. Even I’m not sure.

….anyway, Marie Forleo is awesome. She offers business and personal coaching to women, teaching them how to use their Muchness (my word, not hers) to find success! Seriously, this chic knows what she’s talking about and is therefore my first official


(***in the interest of full disclosure, Marie Forleo has absolutely no idea who I am. I came across her video series on YouTube and decided I <3 her and want to be her BFF, or maybe just join her for tequila shots on a random Tuesday to discuss how an awesome pair of shoes can make you feel invincible. I’ll settle for either scenario.)

(*** also in the interest of full disclosure, I have no actual plans to have a weekly Muchtastic Chic of the Week, I just used that line to be cute. But the more I think about it, I’m kinda digging the concept. Yay! Another exciting idea to toss around in my ping-pong machine of a brain!!)

How Being Muchy (sorta) inspires others to be Muchy!

Today was a pretty craptastic day at work. Stick around and maybe I’ll blog about it. It was so stressful that I didn’t have an appetite and skipped lunch. Then I got drawn into a meeting which ran late and I had to call my sister to pick up the kids. By the time I left my office it was close to dinner time and I was starved.

So, I went into some overpriced chic deli-like place near Port Authority and bought something to eat. I was not feeling particularly Muchtastic. In fact, I was feeling rather pissed. And then, this woman caught my eye.

Her cheerfully yellow bag and flats really brightened my day! It wasn’t even a particularly nice weather day (as you can see by her coat) but she just looked spirited and fun and (little did she know) her Muchness impacted me and cheered me up a bit and I thought that was cool.

Another thing I noticed about her was that she had really nice eyebrows. Yeah. Eyebrows.

These are not cheerful yellow chics eyebrows... but they are similarly perfectly shaped and yet approachable and friendly.

I don’t know why but I’ve alway had a thing for nice eyebrows and yet, I admittedly neglect mine and convince myself that they are fine just the way they are. But that’s silly. “Fine” isn’t really good enough, especially since I generally don’t wear a stitch of makeup (we can discuss that another time) and nice eyebrows would go a long way towards making me look more polished.

So that’s my next plan to Muchify myself.

I’m gonna do my eyebrows.

And it’s gonna make me feel muchy.

All because a stranger wore a matching yellow bag and shoes. ‘Cuz I never woulda noticed her eyebrows if her bag and shoes were black. Or worse, tan.

See how that works?!? Muchness is unstoppable!

So…. Any eyebrow grooming tips?

Inspiration for a Tuesday

“Why not learn to appreciate the little things – there are so many of them.”

The author of this quote is unknown, but I like the way (s)he used the word “learn”… it is a learning process to appreciate the little things. It’s so easy to overlook them.

Stop, Breathe and feel the Muchness inside you. …No. Not that. That wasn’t your Muchness, that was your stomach. You haven’t had lunch yet, silly. I guess we still got a little learning to do…  😉

Muchness is in the little things- and gosh I wish I wasn’t so easily distracted!!

Today I had to draw something by hand for work. That is archaic. I write lots of lists and use lots of big fat sharpies in a rainbow of colors to get my thoughts out of my head and onto paper, but pencils? I haven’t done that in a while. So when I went to go look for a pencil, I was surprised to find these sparkly ones. My assistant bought them for me a looong time ago.

Using them made me realize there are so many little things we can do- tiny little seemingly insignificant things- to bring Muchness into our days. And the little bit’s of Muchness Add up. So I made a list. Add your ideas to it! 🙂 Check it out!! Let me know what you think!

Fortunate Fortune Writer

I think this fortune is the Opposite of the Muchness Challenge.
Who needs to be compelled to do something you don’t want to do??? Every day we all do a ton of things we don’t want to do! In fact, I came across this fortune while cleaning the kitchen. Coincidence? I think not.

That fortune must have been written by a very Rich man. Just Sayin’.

Here’s a tip.

Each day, compel yourself to do something you want to do but don’t think you can.
Like…. Wear pigtails. Paint your nails with glitter. Sit around and “waste” 2 hours reading a book. Stand up for yourself. Plan a vacation. Go rock climbing. Train for a marathon.
How much Muchier is That fortune??!