I feel like my Muchness is lagging. Though I DO wear something Muchy every day, many days it’s a redo of something I’ve already worn, and I worry I will bore you. But then I decided, Peh! Half the point of The Muchness is Sharing The Muchness, which means I am going to make it my mission to post my Muchness Every. Single. Day.

That being said, my iphone is so old. I upgraded the app that I use to post to this blog from my phone and now the app no longer works. I need a new phone.
Operation: Convince-boss-to-let-me-upgrade-my-iphone  is in full effect!

Today, I wore shorts for the first time since HIGH SCHOOL. Pretty awesome.

Shorts for Muchness


OMG. I saw these at one of the best stores on the planet – The Christmas Tree Shops! They are like the most glorified dollar store on planet earth. Like a treasure hunt for all the most random crap you never knew you couldn’t live without.

So, they had these napkin rings that looked like GIANT Diamond rings. Forget the fact that I don’t have any napkins that would ever need ringing, I just HAD to own these. I bought 8. OH, those are the “little” ones. The BIG ones were the size of my fist- and that’s just the Diamond!!! I bought every single one they had in stock- Total- 5.

What on earth am I going to do with these glorious tchatchkas???? I have NO IDEA!



Ya know what? I LOVE how The Muchness just keeps paying it forward! Inspired by Dennel, I have just taken out my sewing machine for the first time in…. um…. I have no clue. Lets just say the last time this machine saw the light of day it was a top of the line (ish) and it was not yellow! I opened the case and gasped! Honest to god, the thing used to be white.

But no matter. I threaded that thing right up and it ran like a dream. And the best part?? It’s what I’m gonna make on this sewing machine….

Stay tuned…