Fashion Design meets muchness!!

This past Saturday I was sitting on my sister in laws porch talking about how, for a while now, I’ve had a desire to create a Fashion Design Bootcamp for teen/preteen girls. I was thinking maybe I could run it for a week at the end of the summer between when camps end and school begins.
She said it was a great idea and I decided to move forward by doing squat about it.
Then, on Tuesday, by sheer coincidence, my brother-in-law called and told me a friend of his, who is program director at a middle school, called him to ask if I might be interested in running a Fashion Design after school program this fall.
What’re the chances?
So today I put together a proposal for a class where kids would be creating their own fashion brand + collection. Immediately I started thinking about how they’d HAVE to bring their Muchness to this task- how to really use it as a platform to teach fashion design and also confidence, self-esteem, fearless, authentic self-expression. I’d weave in to the classes lessons on avoiding comparisonitis and choosing to see the beauty and uniqueness in everyone, so you can see it in yourself… Thus, creating a brand and collection that is uniquely, awesomely, fearlessly YOU!
Dude, I hope this works out. I’ve already contacted my kids school to see if I could offer the class to their middle school as well. 🙂


Love & Muchness, Tova

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