Can’t wait for TODAYS Muchness Pic!!!!
She better not not post!!!!
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Tova’s Muchness Challenge – Day 15!! Some introspection on Muchness…
Have you pulled away from the outer edges of your body?
Elie stumbled upon some glitter stars sprinkled on the kitchen counter and sink… a few were on the sponge we use to wash dishes. “Ugh…. my worst nightmare- this stuff never goes away, I hate it in the kitchen.” he said “oh please, these are big glitters, not the powder fine stuff – this is not your worst nightmare.” He acknowledged the truth in my statement. But then I realized something else… “actually,” I said, “your worst nightmare is your world with no glitter in it at all.” He looked at me with a mix of rolled eyes and something resembling amusement. Happy Father’s Day. To elie and all the dudes who trade their hate of glitter for their love of a sparkly woman.
CONGRATULATIONS to Julia and her family!!! How exciting, and LOL…you’re right, she better not not post…we need PICTURES!
Yay! Congratulations Julia!
Thank you everyone!!!!!!!
We are very happy to welcome a very special little Muchness muchkin into our lives . Her name is Paulina she was born on 8/31/11 at 11:52a.m. 8.5lbs and 20 inches.
Tova, please post the picture I sent to you.
I miss you all, hope everyone is doing great!!!!
I will be back in Muchness action in a few days!!!
Xoxo, Julia
By the way Tova, i absolutely love the sparkling girls rock sign, thank you!!!