
This is my view on the bus home from work.

Know what’s my favorite part? That they’re beat up!

When the paint first started chipping I planned to touch it up, but now I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride from the fact that I have built up a confidence to wear these muchy insane shoes frequently enough that they look – and actually are- “well-worn.”

If you’ve been reading a while you’ll remember when I bought these shoes and came very close to returning them, thinking I’d never wear them… And certainly not enough to get my money’s worth from them! It’s like I built up my comfort-zone tolerance to the point where this much Muchness comes naturally!
If you have something your Muchness Meter is daring you to invite into your life- take a tiny step forward and do it. Whether its sequin converse sneakers or taking an art class. Step into it and see how amazing it feels to grasp your Muchness Moments. 🙂

Love & Muchness, Tova

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