Come on baby, light my Muchness

Don’t expect me to explain what the post title means. It uses the words light and Muchness and that’s what this post is about.

I was so inspired by the makeover that David Bromstad and HGTV’s Color Splash brought to my house. (what? you didn’t know they were here last week? You missed it here, or here, or here….) In all seriousness, David listened to what I said and interpreted a room for us that is so amazing, so enjoyable and vibrant and happy and truly, so “us”, that I really feel like the Queen of Muchness in there. Especially when I’m sitting on the chairs on this previously mentioned receipt. They are the Muchness thrones.

But I digress, and I will stop kissing Color Splash ass for just a moment. I have these pendant lights in my kitchen.

There are three in this location. Not two.

And there are another three in the sunroom (to the right of the pic)

Three more in the sunroom

I hate them. I hoped they’d be gone when I got back from my makeover. They weren’t. They were still there (In the kitchen, which opens to the makeover room, which I can’t show to you… yet) And I hated them more than ever. Those ones in the back sunroom are the worst. When you turn on the light  it makes the whole room orange. It’s like a bordello- and not in a good way. See:

Not Cute. it's like hanging out in the fire pits of hell.

So, inspired, I decided on a DIY fix. My first plan was to go hunting for 6 cut crystal bowls or glasses as thrift shops or flea market and get holes drilled in them to create new shades. Then reality set in and I realized I don’t have time to do that- and it likely wont work. So I went to Christmas Tree Shops to be inspired. I was inspired to buy these, and $200 dollars worth of other crap I don’t need (but really, really wanted) but nothing for the lights.

Though I swore this room would hence forth be an IKEA FREE ZONE, (minus the kitchen cabinets- ya know, a very minimal element)  I went there anyway. If you hack something Ikea, it’s not really Ikea, and I thought maybe some cool vase would work. I was almost out of the store with these when I saw these:

Cheesy plastic shade. It literally comes flat and you have to make it a cylinder yourself.

Not much to look at, right? But, I was inspired… and they were $3 each. Sold.

Come home. A little striped tissue paper for gift wrapping and a little spray mount and I’ve got these:

Silver and white striped tissue paper.

Much calmer. Much cleaner. Much classier, and I love how it matches the new living room.
What? They look a little lacking in the Muchness? Well, take a look at this:

Hell's yeah!

That’s just a little colored tissue paper lining the inside. Subtle… then ka-pow!
Oh, goodness, how I wish I could show you the other colorful light situations in this room. But I cannot.

So check it out from eye level:


and in the sunroom:

sunroom lights off

...and on...and on...and on....

The big picture:

Now My lights are Muchy, and I am happy.

What do you think?


Color Splash Takes Over!!

Sorry it’s been a few days since my last post. Things have been koo-koo here at Casa De Gold.

So, last week, as you might know from reading my posts, Color Splash from HGTV came to our house. They gave our living room the most amazingly Muchy make-over in the history of Muchy make-overs. (There is a looong history of muchy makeovers… trust me on this… or don’t)

So, for those of you not obsessed with HGTV like I am, or, if you live under a rock, HGTV is Home and Garden Network. It is the default channel of my life. Nothing on? Turn to HGTV. The way foodies watch The Food Network, or Sports fans watch ESPN, or geeks watch Star Trek.

The star of Color Splash (hence forth referred to as CS) is David Bromstad. This is is him:

This picture is like eye candy

David Bromstad of Color Splash on HGTV

OK- I used that pic because everything in it is like Eye Candy. 😉

David is awesome- so friendly and nice and down to earth and most of all,  TALENTED. He just seems to be able to tap into whatever the homeowner seems to want and deliver it with so much style and class and sophistication. What did he deliver to me? MUCHNESS. I <3 it.

I told David about our loss and how I was using sparkle and color to help me make my way back from the depths of grief. I didn’t go on and on about it because, let’s face it, dead babies don’t really make for great TV, but I did want him to know where I was coming from, and the journey I was on. Before the reveal he said that he’s never done a makeover that was as “homeowner inspired” as ours. That made me feel awesome. The film crew also told my husband that this was the funnest makeover they feel they did this season. As well it should be!!! haha

I want to post pics soooooooo badly but I can’t- not until it airs (which feels like it will be in a million years)

I will say this: Remember my post about Teeze? Well, One of the most popular bags in my collection makes a surprise guest appearance and in a BIG way!!!

Remember to take some time today to be In Touch With The Much!!!

xox, Tova

Color Splash coming our way!!!

Color Splash is coming in just 9.5 hours!!! OMG- I am psyched.
I cleaned out the room, left little post-it’s on stuff, even left the whole crew ceramic coffee mugs from my office. But ya know what I really want??? (besides an awesome, amazing kick-ass living room) I wanna share THE MUCHNESS and get it on national television!!! The only thing in the room when they arrive will be the kids easle. What do you think?


Do you think theyll show it? I hope they do!!!! By the time it airs my goal is to be #1 on google for the search term MUCHNESS. It’s a lofty goal, but my hubby is an SEO guru and I KNOW we can do it!!

I also left them another note on the other blackboard:


Before I found my Muchness that would have read “Welcome. Please don’t make it too nuts. Sorry if I’m being annoying”