Wardrobe Malfunction

Ya know how, as women, we have relationships with certain items in our closet? We all have the jeans we can always rely on to make our asses look good, the top that is the perfect color to make us look well rested, the old sweatshirt that should have seen the garbage pail many decades ago but is the ONLY garment on the planet that feels as cozy for curling up on the couch (with a cup of spiked tea) to watch a lame movie.
Today, the weather was supposed to be great and I was feeling… I dont know, sexy? muchy? Not bloated? Anyway, I decided to wear a dress I almost never wear. It’s a dress that is reserved for days when I’m really in the mood to “dress”, because I know this dress. It’s short. It’s tight. It’s a little aggressive for day wear. But I wear it with a smile (and leggings, and a shirt underneath, and a jacket on top) to soften it’s hard edges.
But today, my dress turned on me. Turned everything I know and expect from it and Changed the rules.
Because someone put this dress in the dryer. And let me tell you. It’s a good thing I was wearing those leggings.
Ya know what’s not muchy? Doing that awkward thing where you have to yank your skirt down every time you stand up. I hope I never find myself having one of those days again.

See that??? My skirt is as long as my (awesomely MUCHTASTIC) sequin jacket… I feel like this dress is like a “real housewife”…. I thought it was my friend, but really it was plotting with the dryer against me this whole time…)

The History of glitter- This video is Muchness squared!

“Those who wear it obviously carry a great deal of confidence. While glitter may seem kind of silly and extreme, it represents something very natural, the reflection of light.”
-Stephan Kanlian, Chair FIT Masters Program. (My new favorite person of the week!)

“Glitter generally makes people happy- I mean, just to look at it.”
-Roger Ertle, VP Marketing, GLITTEREX


Muchtastic Gift Wrap!!

Been so busy with lots of Muchtastic stuff—- went to Home Depot today for stuff to make My Muchness crafting area in the basement. I am so lucky Elie just lets me do this stuff. Anyhoooo- I wrapped MORE presents today for my niece and Nephews for our Chanukkah party tomorrow night.

Why anyone would wrap ay gifts in anything other than Muchy gift wrap is so beyond me…. 🙂

***I participated in a Holiday gift swap with other TTTS parents and my gift arrived in the mail today. I anted to wait to open it… not sure what I’m waiting till….

So eager to see what it is! I wanna let the anticipation build! 🙂

I’ve been feeling really stressed out

Today was one of those days where the clock seemed to be standing still and nothing seemed to be getting done. I worked late, came home in time to put the overtired and cranky kids to bed and then, inspired by my conversation with Tine last night. actually left the house and went too the liquor store and bought myself a bottle of wine. Because, I am a 35 year old woman and I CAN.

I took like, 5 muchness pics today, but this is the one I’m choosing to share:

Things that qualify as Muchness

That’s not a great title for this post. ANYTHING can qualify as Muchness when looked at through your Muchness colored glasses. And sometimes, things become Muchness just because they are the things that are there when you are weak and need a crutch. Whether The Muchness takes the form of Potato Chips or cheezy Soap Operas or the sound of rain overflowing from the rain gutters above the window in your office, which you know is ultimately going to cause damage to your house but just haven’t had the head to deal with… actually, dealing with it would be the Muchness, i suppose.

Anyhoooo, I’ve been thinking about my MAKE THE HOLIDAYS MUCHY Challenge and all the things I’d like to incorporate into it. I decided to make a list.

The first thing on the list is that my sequins that I wear would not qualify. I can post them, cuz I wear them, but unless it is EXTREME sequins, or DIY sequins, it’s not the Muchness for My Challenge. And in general, I haven’t suggested people make a list of ideas for their challenge, but I’m thinking that might not be such bad advice. I don’t need to follow my list, but having some place to write it helps me get excited about the things I hope to complete. This, of course, is my THIRD Muchness Challenge and my THEME is organizing my life and also Sharing The Muchness. I can’t possibly make an organizing plan without a list. See how that works? If I follow 25% of the list for my posts I will be surprised. Maybe.

Some ideas:

  • Muchifying existing clothes that were bought for the express purpose of muchifying.
  • Leaving my office for “lunch” every day. Even if it’s just for 5 minutes to go downstairs, walk outside, pick up a pack of gum and go back inside. I must.
  • Cleaning my office. My Basement. My family room. The kitchen. My closet.
  • Share my glitter project that I’ve been meaning to share forever.
  • Make a serious effort to connect with my real life friends more.

That’s all I can think of for now.

Do you have visions of things you want to include in your 30 Day Challenge? Want to share your theme? Let me know in the comments below!! Wanna participate in the challenge?? It’s EASY! Just Join and start posting!! I’m working on a  tutorial and walk through since the site is ‘heavy’ with features but email me if you’re confused. It’s really nor so confusing. 🙂

Have You been following me on twitter?

Today is my 35th birthday. 35. Wow. I remember when my mom was 35. I was like, 12. But let’s not go there. The point is that I was born in 1976. That makes me on the cusp. On the cusp of what? Generation X and Generation Y. That’s right. ’76 is the turnover year. The year which decides if you have to learn how computers work, or if you simply just know how they work… The year which decides which you know better; the lyrics to Slippery When Wet or Have a Nice Day. Well, as far as Bon Jovi is concerned, I am definitely Gen X. Knowing every lyrics to every post-millenium Bon Jovi song is the single most important reason Elie married me. (More on that another time.) And as far as computers are concerned, I am also certainly Gen X.  I stumble, I fumble, I curse, I bang on the desk and call for someone, ANYONE to PLEASE help me!!!

So, because I’m 7 years past due, I’ve finally decided I’m gonna give this twitter thing a go. Mostly because I really want to share my Muchness Pic Of The Day daily on my phone and twitter gave me an easy way to do that. I’m working on trying to make it as easy to upload to this site as it is to upload to twitter, but, well, let’s just say there’s been a lot of cursing and table banging and no super easy uploads..

So, why should you follow me on twitter? Because right now I am following 123 people and only 66 are following me, and apparently, having less followers than followees makes you pretty uncool. Just ask any Gen Y’er. They’ll tell ya. And, well, I kinda don’t wanna be uncool. So Please follow me! 😀

Also- I wear sequins EVERY DAY!!! And awesome muchy shoes!! And I wanna twit-pic them and it would make me happy to know someone, anyone, might see them and it will make them a wee bit happy too! Because sometimes, people see me in the street and compliment my muchy get-ups and that makes me so happy! And sometimes, I get “funny” looks from people and I have to decide if they are thinking “Oh! She looks cool! She probably has a ton of twitter followers!” or if they’re thinking “That girl’s gonna fall on her butt in those 6″ platforms, and really? Sequins on a random tuesday? Who does she think she is, Lady Gaga?”   

By and large I always make up my mind to think they’re thinking the first thing because it’s good for my emotional stability, but realistically I know some are thinking the second thing. Because sometimes they think out loud and I can hear them. But no matter. I don’t mind. Because I know that anyone who knows The Muchness would understand that I’m just not wearing unusual clothes, I am simply IN TOUCH WITH THE MUCH!!! However, the only thing missing from this beautiful equation is the twitter followers. I want as many as Lady Gaga.

But it’s not all about me. You too can also get in on the fun! I’ve been hashtagging my posts like this-  #MuchnessPicOfTheDay -and trying to remember to hashtag my word #muchness too! That way when #Muchness takes over the universe, (or at least takes over twitter) all those Gen Y’ers will know exactly where to find us!! Join the MUCHNESS Revolution!!!

Hey, anyone know what’s after Gen Y? Out of curiosity…
