A few weeks ago was my 7 year old nephews birthday party!!! My sister is going all kookie with this Star Wars theme. Apparently, he’s obsessed.
About a month before, she asked me to make the invitation. um hmmm:
Two weeks later, she called me up to ask me to figure out how the kids can make their own light sabers. So, I went with her to the art store, got some acrylic sheets, some fancy double stick tape, and some flashlights and we figured out how a room full of 7 years olds can make light sabers:
And then, it occurred to me this morning I don’t have a gift for the kid. I thought about running to Toys R Us and getting a Star Wars themed Lego set, but everyone’s gonna do that and I like to think myself a little more creative than “everyone”. So, I decided to stop thinking about him and procrastinate till the last minute and go instead to Christmas Tree Shops and see what kinda pink, sparkly Valentines Day crap they had for sale that week. It was disappointing. I must’ve been a little late to the party. Everything was pastel and covered with bunnies.
But anyway.
As I strolled the aisles talking myself out of buying every random knick-knack I never knew I couldn’t live without, I came to the Picture Frame aisle. Now, I always troll the picture frame aisle and think “Oh, I could spray paint that and glue some rhinestones on it and make it super cute….. one day. I’m not in the mood to spend $4 and add more clutter to my basement today.”
And then inspiration hit and I decided to buy my nephew a picture frame and mini photo album.
I mean, what 7 year old boy would not be thrilled with this???
Well, I brought myself down to the basement (AKA: MUCHNESS COMMAND CENTER) and commenced, the Muchification!
The Album
Grab Star Wars images from internet:
print onto iron-on paper and get moving!
The Frame
Spraypaint: (I just happened to have some black chalkboard paint lying around the house. Who doesn’t??)
Decoupage the art:
Yes. I framed the frame with a little sticky backed glitter foam. YES, I know he’s a boy. He’s cool like that.
The Bonus
Midway through printing my iron-on, my ink started to fade. That paper is expensive! and so is the ink! I didn’t wanna just trash it. Hmmmmm…
Muchy Problem Solving!
I cut off the bottom, rounded the edges and put it into the home-made card!
Presto! The most magnificently muchtastic Star Wars custom made birthday gift EVER!
PS- FYI, I totally made fun of my sister for going over-the-top for this shindig. Molly’s 4th birthday is in two weeks. I could not help myself. It is going to be a disco extravaganza. So sue me.