Today is a particularly drab day. It’s been dark and rainy… the kind of day that just makes your bones ache. It’s also the first day and FOREVER that I am not wearing something Muchy. (Besides my Muchness band, duh. But its on my head so I cant even see it… I should move it to my wrist… I think that will help….)
I was up late last night, overslept his morning and… well, I don’t know. I dressed to match my morning mood, instead of dressing to set my mood. And now my mood is blllllaaaaaahhhhh.
So I decided to go Muchness Hunting online and I came up with a site I think I may be in love with. At first glance, there is definitely a strong resemblance between my favorite new Muchness Hunting site and this sexy sex-pot stripper site. (Which, for what it’s worth, carries some awesome Muchness itself, you just have to use a more discerning eye.)
I mean, sure- the models have hair as blond as my moustache after a 20 minute session with Jolen Cream Bleach, and they’ve got enough make-up to make a Mary-Kay sales rep curl into a ball in the corner and weep shameless tears of jealousy, BUT, upon closer examination of the actual products they sell, it appears there is quite a bit of socially appropriate Muchness- and it’s well priced!
Take, for example, this dress:
Slap on a pair of leggings or jeans and it’s totally a real-world wearable dress! And it’s $26.99. Really. I’ve seen more expensive Muchness at Target.
Or this—OK. So I KNOW this is a little extra body conscious and quirky, but I LOVE it:
Black Long sleeve tee, Black Tights and Knee Hi black boots, and you’re ready to go!! And it’s $22. For real. I’ve eaten lunches at my desk that cost more than that.
And this look is perfect for the girl who likes neutrals! (I think of everything in the brown family as a neutral. I can’t help it. Even the leopard print wall-to-wall carpet in my family room is a neutral to me. It matches EVERYTHING!!!!)
Ok- I know you’re thinking, Um, really Tova? Really? When in gods name am I going to wear that? And I say, “Whenever!!!” It’s all lose and drape-y at the hips and belly, making it the PERFECT choice for casual sunday afternoons after a big lunch of pizza and pasta!!! Throw on a denim jacket (Or, better yet, a leopard fur shrug) to protect you from drafty air, and kick up your heels to watch the latest Lifetime Movie of the Week!
…Speaking of heels….. Um, I’m gonna have to save that post for another day. Because they have So . Friggin . Many . Muchtastic . Shoes, I’m simply overwhelmed and scared I’ll buy them and they will break my feet.
Until then, I leave you with this Gem from their Halloween Department:
It’s called Daisy Bug. And she’s holding a Sunflower. You get me…
Okay…THESE clothes are an inspiration to get back on my diet
Even the coffee brown dress…lol.
I’m so in need of new Muchy flats….with my ankle still all bungled up I can’t wear ANY of my fun new heels
So I need to get fun new flats!!! Jealous of the fun things you’re wearing (guess this comment could go under your post today with those awesome high heel snow boots!!!)
xoxo Tine
I will make it my mission to find you muchy flats!!! (I plan to add them to my Muchness Collection of accessories and stuff one day!!!
Love the website, I can totally see you wearing these booties.
Love the daisy bug costume,I like that there is a daisy on the outfit and that her bag is a sunflower. I think you should get it just to play dress up with your daughters.
This way all your girls are having fun.