Reader Submission!!! Mothers Day Muchness

Sometimes I receive an email or facebook message from someone that has been inspired by The Muchness and it makes me feel awesome that this little “hobby” is having real life effects on people. Today I got an email that was so inspiring and beautiful, I needed to share it so it could inspire others as well.

Jennifer writes:

Hi Tova,
I’m one of the mom’s from the TTTS group on FB, and I’ve been following your muchness blog.  I love seeing everyone find their muchness, and I’ve being trying to do something for me every day that makes me happy, or gives me a reminder of what I have rather than what I don’t.  And honestly, I’ve become a much happier and content person over the last two weeks, and if I can attribute that to you, your blog, or a pair of earrings that I’m wearing, well, whatever works, works, right?

Today is Mother’s Day, and I’ve been longing for a Mother’s Day ever since I started dating my husband (five years ago).  When I lost my twins two months before Mother’s day, I was devastated.  The next year, I was eight months pregnant with my son and still had a miserable Mother’s Day.  Well, I’ve finally made it to this “holiday” with some tangible evidence that I am a mother.  My son fills my muchness every day, so I thought I didn’t need extra jewelry or a sparkling headband today.

However, I accidentally didn’t  put on my watch today.  I bought a watch after my son was born, to time his nursing sessions and make sure he was getting enough to eat often enough.  Then it became a habit- every morning the watch went on.  When I lost it a few months ago, I went out and bought the exact same watch again.

But today, I don’t need it.  It doesn’t matter how much my son naps, or when it’s time to eat.  It doesn’t matter when things are happening- I’m just going to relax and enjoy my day, that I finally get to have.


Jennifer- I am touched and humbled to think that this thing Im doing has helped you find peace this Mothers Day.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for sharing.   xox, T.

Mothers Day Muchness

First, I want to say that I love reading everyones Muchness’s today. So amazing to get a bunch of women documenting the things that make them feel, well, their Muchness. I feel like it’s my mission to get this blog OUT THERE- read by more people and seen so they can be as inspired as I know so many of our current readers are. (I get emails… they’re inspired… just so ya know 😉 )

I took a picture for my Muchness Pic of the Day today and when I came upstairs into my mess of an office to post it, I saw something I’ve looked at a million times but never actually saw until today.
On my wall is a calendar.  It’s got pictures of handbags all over it and it was a gift from my sister-in-law for Hannukah, 2008. I hung it because I like the pictures, not because I need to look at a calendar on my office wall. Also, I don’t spend a ton of time in my office, but, well, I spend a lot of time in my office. Somehow, it escaped my attention until just this moment that this is what my Calendar has been turned to, since, well, see the pic…

That’s September, 2009.

Thats the month we lost Sunshine and Daisy.

For a moment after I noticed my head felt warm and my chest clenched and I almost felt like I was in a different place and time. Like time had stood still or something. Did I do that subconciously? I’m trying to remember if I did notice in the past but decided to keep it there anyway. But I don’t remember.  But now that I am writing about it, I will remember, the next time I pay enough attention to the stuff around me and realize it’s still there. Because, for some reason, I want to keep it there. I don’t want to take it down. So I wont. A part of my heart will forever be stuck in September 2009. And my calendar will be stuck there too.

Happy Mothers Day to all my Mama friends- Those with Babies here on earth and especially those with Babies taken too soon. A bittersweet day for a lot of people. I hope it brings peace…

xox, Tova