The GIFT Of Muchness

So, I have a whole fresh batch of Muchness bands currently on order at the factory. They should be in by the end of the week and I am psyched to start promoting them because they’re HAWT.

It’s often hard to know how to reach out and show someone you care, especially when you don’t really know what would be appropriate, or you are concerned about saying the wrong thing. Muchness Bands are sort of like a little token of strength and support. It is a unique and personalized way to tell someone you know they are in pain, but you believe they are strong and resilient. And perhaps a little fantastically awesome too.

If you like the idea, but are concerned the recipient will not ‘get it’ because they are unfamiliar with The Muchness Movement, I’ve got you covered. Because I think about these things. because thinking about them makes me happy. And that’s My muchness.


When you order a Muchness Band it comes beautifully wrapped in tissue paper, sealed with a sparkly little Sunflower and Daisy. In addition to the silk band and the matching satchel, the recipient will find a glittering book of blank paper strips on which to write their secret notes to themselves to slide into the secret pocket. (I call them wish strips) But most importantly, they’ll receive a Mini Muchness Booklet.  It’s four little pages that describs ‘What is Muchness’, and the meaning and significance behind the Muchness Band. It will undoubtedly bring a little light and joy to their day, to know you are thinking of them and selected something so personal and meaningful to show them how much you care.

Packaged with the "Whats Muchness?" Mini booklet, and the strips of secret message paper.

Beautifully wrapped and sealed with some Sunshine & Daisy Muchness.

All packed up and ready to go!

Of course, if you get it for yourself it still comes with all the muchy accessories. 🙂

When you place your order, expect about 1-2 weeks for the custom quote design. And check out this page for ideas for sentimental quotes! You can choose one of those, or send me your own, or just write something that means something to you! I can fit as many as 75 words, or as few as two. It’s up to you!!

Love & Muchness, Tova

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