Since this site is about being honest, I’m gonna be honest.
Last night, I had a million Muchness things to do. People are waiting for their login info to start their challenge, emails are waiting to be answered, Muchness bands are packed up and waiting to go to the post office, Pictures of those muchness bands are sitting in my iphoto waiting to be uploaded to the site. I havent even shared the print version of my article, which was on the FRONT PAGE of the shopping section. And Ellen DeGeneris is waiting on pins and needles for my unfinished PR kit to arrive. I’m sure of it. But ya know what I did last night? I watched three hours of DVR’d Americas Got Talent. And then an episode of Color Splash. Then I did about 20 minutes worth of Muchness-ing (new word) and then I went to sleep. At 1am. So I am tired AND feeling like it was a double waste of time. (Except that I got to watch these Muchkins. Avery and The Calico Hearts. Though they were not put through to the next round, I heart them – so cute)
ANYHOOOO, Elie keeps telling me I need to get a notebook to write my to do list in so I can get organized. But I have my phone to do that, but I don’t. But I don’t wanna schlepp around a huge notebook in my little sequined bag.
But he’s right. If I don’t sit and write a list and cross stuff off it, I feel I will drown in the to do list and end up defaulting to ass on couch mode. So. NOT. MUCHY!!!!
I went to Claires. If I’m gonna get a notebook to maintain The Muchness, it damn well better be a muchy notebook. And it is. And it fits in my little sequined purse. And the special pen! I couldn’t decide which color. so I splurged on both. Oh, the sacrifices I make…
Oh my goodness i am in love, did the pen come in a Hot Pink???
you should use 1 pen color to write the list and the other to cross it out, Lol.
didnt come in pink. I wish the notebook did.
Ive been looking for a red ink refill all day to replace one of them so I can do JUST THAT!
I *love* AGT. My plan is to catch up on the episodes tonight.
I feel like I need a to do list. Before Joshua was born, I used one of my journals to make list after list of things that had to be accomplished. By the time he was born, there was about 15 pages of lists…
When is your episode of color splash on? I need to see what they did!
probably 2-3 weeks. no official date yet!!!!
oh em gee! I was just at Claire’s over the weekend….in search for sparkly head bands *I am going to actually post about this* and saw those pens! I came so close to buying them, but opted for the bands instead! LOVE THEM!
oh em gee.
doesnt writing it that way defeat the purpose of saving typing time???
I am sending you a photo on FB – my daughter and I just got a matching Muchy journals at Justice. I love Claires, and Justice is a close 2nd for satisfying a Muchness jones.
Justice is a little more bad-ass than Claire’s. And they have some hot sox.
Have you seen that new store XSRE? OMG. Like a Muchness explosion. I went in there and took dozens of pics for a post but never found the time to write it. (shocker. Maybe I’ll put that on a list in my notebook) Even took a pic of the young checkout girl in her turquoise blue fakey glasses… She was like a mix between a Muchkin and a diva. hahaha
haha true! Except I was trying to make it more of an exclamation — Maybe I should have written O!!!!M!!!!G!!!!… hahhahha
I soooooo know how falling into ass on the couch mode feels.