My friend sent me this pic and wrote:
“Tova- you are rubbing off on my daughter! Check out her Muchy shoes!! … She is Much Muchier than me!!”
Love it!!
Inspirational gifts and accessories
September was not the best month. I don’t know why, for the second year in row, I thought September would be easier than it was. This year, Beryl and I created the Photography Challenge and as exciting as it was, I fell off the Muchness wagon. And I let myself fall off. I just needed the time. But I feel bad, because I feel a responsibility to you to be all Muchness, all the time…and I’m just not. Sometimes The Muchness is Loud and Proud and it makes my insides ignite with joy, and sometimes it’s just a whisper, keeping me inspired and knowing that tomorrow will get better.
Lots of changes in my life happened in September, which is another reason I’ve been a little MIA. I’ll be going into detail a bit later- Maybe in tomorrows post. I miss posting on a regular basis. I miss keeping track of my Muchness Moments. The jewish Holidays this year have been a bit overwhelming, taking up so much time, an my head has been 1000 other places. Beyond Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur- the majors, we still have Succot– which we are in the middle of and lasts a week.
My husbands brother lives in Israel and has four kids- three girls and a boy. Molly and Liat see them so infrequently but are totally obsessed with them. Between them and the other kids in the family, my in-laws house has been overloaded with young cousins. Watching my girls play with their cousins has been awesome. Molly just lights up around other kids (at least ones that she can kinda boss around.) Watching her shine has been my Muchness Moments of late.
Three of my sister-in-laws are also expecting right now. Last night Molly asked me if we can have another baby, like they are and honestly, I told her no. And it didn’t really hurt. Progress.
I don’t do the grocery shopping much in our house. Elie is really kinda obsessed with healthy food. His Muchness is going to Whole Foods to play in the Whole Grains sold by weight aisle. For real.
But every now and then I find myself at the grocery store. You can always tell when I’ve gpne shopping vs. when Elie’s gone shopping. When he goes, the kitchen gets filled with Kale, Seitan and Corn meal pizza crusts for homemade cheeseless tempeh Pizza. When I go the kitchen gets filled with Donuts, Ice Cream and Laffy Taffys, and for the kids, M&M Yogurt.
So, last week I found myself at Trader Joes, cuz I passed it on the way back from Michaels Craft store and we needed canned corn. I left with brownie mix. It said it was healthy!!
So, me and the girls decided to make the brownies. Yay! Muchy project! The box said the only ingredients you need are fat free vanilla yogurt. I used the M&M kind and muchified the boring brown brownies!
Step One: Reduce the guilt. Done.
Step Two: Get the kid to do the heavy lifting. That mixing is hard work.
Step Three: MUCHIFY!!
(Secret tip: We used the M&M’s from the yogurt for the brownies, but we also used Rieces Pieces from another yogurt. That way, when you ate it, you never knew what you were gonna get!)
Step Four: Clean up. Again- let the kids do the lion’s share of the work.
September 25, 2009. Three years ago today, we said goodbye to our twin girls, forever nicknamed Sunshine & Daisy. At the depths of my grief lived a fear that my baby girls would be forgotten. That their short lives and their death inside of me would be a loss without meaning. But now, I know that is not the case. In their honor and memory I’ve shared their story with medical students who might one day find themselves faced with a patient in my shoes. I’ve shared my regrets with my own doctor, so perhaps a future loss mom will get the handprints and footprints I wish I’d have asked for. I’ve shared information and support with other pregnant twin mothers to help make sure they receive the care they need. I’ve opened others’ eyes and raised awareness about TTTS, which kills too, too many babies every year- many due to lack of information and knowledge about this disease. I’ve created a TTTS grief support group for other parents whose babies have been stolen from them by this monster, giving them a safe place to share their babies and their sadness and grief and know they’re not alone.
And I’ve helped women heal. Discovering The Muchness was my girls’ gift to me. It is a project that uses all that is the best in me to help me help others find the best in them. It is what helped me see my pain as a blessing, my loss as a gift and my future as a happy, love-(and-sparkle)-filled place I proactively want to build with my family.
I know now that my girls won’t be forgotten. They live on in me, in their dad and sisters, and in every person that has been touched by the projects they’ve given me the strength to create and share.
On the first anniversary of their loss, a few weeks before Liat was born, I created this memorial video in their honor. At that point I did it for me and planned to share it with just a handful of people, but when it was complete I couldn’t just keep my girls to myself. I shared it with just about everyone who mattered to me. At the time it was about 60 people. But my heart has grown and now anyone in this community who is touched by my words matters to me, and I’m sharing it again.
Thank you for reading, for watching, and for joining me on this journey.
This past weekend I went to a Bar Mitzvah and I wore some super Muchtastic Muchness:
Because I got a bunch of compliments and was told I looked like a breath of fresh air, (and because it’s fun for me :-)) I went looking online for similar Muchy looks to share with you!!
Check it out!
Love this- I think it’s so fun and forgiving.
DKNY Short Sleeve Sequin Shift Dress by DKNY – $276
Super Gorgeous and On Sale!
Giambattista Valli
Two-tone metallic leather pumps – $264
Most Similar & Most affordable!
Paris Hilton
Janelle – Silver Crinkle Patent – $89.99
And of course, My Muchness Band!
You may have noticed that I’ve been MIA recently. I’ve felt bad about it and my first inclination is to sugarcoat it with all the cool, fun and exciting things I’ve been doing, but that would (mostly) be a lie. Though I have been doing cool, fun and exciting things, mostly, what I’ve been doing is vegging out in front of the TV and watching a LOST marathon with Elie. All six seasons. That shit is addictive. And by season 4, it really was pretty much shit. But now I’m hooked, like an addict and I can’t stop till we complete all 6 seasons. When it first aired in 2004 I didn’t even notice. I was elbow deep in the handbag business I’d started in 2002. TV was low on my priority list as I poured my passion, full time, into that endeavor. For your viewing pleasure, this is a snapshot from my catalog from that era:
No, you’re eyes are not playing tricks on you. I was wearing braces. I was in my 20’s and thought I could change the world with a handbag (my handbags kicked ass— with a business course or two, I probably could have.) Even the fact that I was wearing braces didn’t slow me down. I was at the peak of my Muchness and almost nothing could rattle me. (’till I got screwed over by a large handbag company… we’ll save that story for another time…)
Anyway, I’ve gotten off course. This week, the week between the holidays of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur is the week that 3 years ago we went from “Yay! We’re almost at 24 weeks and things are looking good!” to “How is it possible I am no longer pregnant and I can’t even begin to comprehend what just happened.” My point? This is a rough week. So I’ve been laying low watching hour after hour after hour of LOST with Elie and counting it as bonding time. And frankly, we’ve bonded. Just last night he whopped me over the head with a pillow while (mostly) trying to exterminate the loudest, most annoying housefly in the history of all man-kind. Hard to explain how and why this was funny, but we were both laughing till tears ran down our faces, so thats a Win in my book.
As the calendar draws closer to Tuesday, September 25th, the day we said goodbye to our girls, I’m just going to allow myself to do what feels right. But after that, I’ve got plans. Because something else has been going on. Something Big. I’m not ready to spill the beans publicly just yet, but it is something that I am hoping will justify the absurd amount of hours I’ve been watching of this LOST marathon and put TV back on the bottom of my priority list, like it was when I was elbow deep following my passion and my Muchness was in full, full-time effect…
Last night Molly informed me that when she grows up she’s gonna be a doctor like her Aunt Debbie (my sister) AND an artist- like me.
Then she asked me what I’m gonna be when I grow up.
I replied “I am grown up and I’m an artist.”
She looked at me like I was dumb.
“Noooooo!” she exclaimed ” what are you gonna be when you grow up mooooore???”
I just stared at her.
I swear that girl is already smarter than me.
…and perhaps a bit psychic.
Shut. The. Front. Door.
Love these. And they’re FLATS!
Christian Louboutin | Fred leather lace-up flats | NET-A-PORTER.COM.
These are pretty stinkin’ hot too.
And they are SO DIYable!
Miu Miu | Glitter-finished leather pumps | NET-A-PORTER.COM.