(The real question I need to answer is COST: MUCH OR TOO MUCH? Because I think I might love these and wanna buy them just to spraypaint the wooden soles a Muchy shade of Sunshine Yellow…. Or Magenta…. Hmm….)
Inspirational gifts and accessories
Ooh I think these may ” jump the MUCHNESS shark” for me. They look like ice skates that were jammed through a food processor. Ok now I feel guilty…I hope I didn’t squash your muchness but since it’s a reader poll I’m gonna be honest….way TOO much. ;0)
hahaha! I love that youre keepin it real. My first thought when I saw them was “WTF- I need a picture of those for “much or too much”…. because they are too much” but the more I look at them…. the more I wanna dare myself to be the girl who wears those on a random tuesday afternoon…
I’d kill myself in those! But I like them. There is no such thing as too muchness, dontchaknow.
I like your way of thinking…. and yet. I guess when Muchness is Too Much, it’s no longer Muchy. At that point it’s just tasteless. hahahahaha!
Well…see now I do feel guilty….I like the idea of nothing being ” too much” but then visions of people like Tammy Faye Baker pop into my head. ;0)It’s that fine line between much and yikes. Granted everything and anything that brings joy to someone’s day is muchy but i guess these skates/shoes fly by my muchy radar.
Oh please! Ya know, I hate beige. And If I took offense every time someone thought my tastes were tasteless, well, I’d end up wearing a lot of beige. (which, ironically, I was- as well as gray and brown- before I found my Muchness
Clearly those shoes are not everyones cup of tea. I’m still deciding how I’d react if I saw someone else wearing them. Would I say they are In Touch With The Much…. or that they are just so Out Of Touch? I supposed it depends HOW they wear them.
At dinner last week I saw a woman wearing one of those weirdo hats that everyone wore to the royal wedding. I wanted to like it and appreciate the guts it took to wear it, and the hat WAS cute- but she paired that glamourous hat with a frumpy beige dress and sensible chunky, ugly heels. What was I supposed to do??? The only thing I could do. I snapped a picture on the sly with the plan to post it here…
I think they’re much – that is to put on display in a showcase, or even spray painted in silver to match your living room. But walking around in them is another story… I think too much.. Unless you’re attending an art event where it’ll work for a statement piece! Where did you see these btw???
In the shop right across the street from our office. And if they are not insanely overpriced or entirely uncomfortable I’m pretty sure I’m gonna buy them and wear them to work. Why must I surround myself with others who are all trying to make a statement in order to make one myself?
oooooo- now I am really being dared to make these my summer shoes of choice. They’re white! perfect!
Go for it.. just make sure they’re safe to walk in!
I like to stop myself and ask, is that a bit much? If so, perfect. I think what matters is how you feel with them on your feet. It might be nice to get an angle of the world you don’t usually see. I vote you try them on and see how they make you feel. If you feel like you’re about to pole vault, then maybe that’s a no. If it makes you feel like you’re a giraffe, then that’s a yes. The point in muchness is changing how you feel while wearing it. Try them on and look in the mirror. Are you smiling like you know a secret?
Dennel- you’re right! I recently bought a dress because I couldn’t stop smiling at myself in the mirror. I kept thinking “really?? Should I spend the money??? I shouldn’t…” Until I realized I was posing at myself in the morror like I thought I was a (very short) runway model…. Come to think of it- it’s The same way Molly poses when she gets to wear her favorite princess dress!!!
Lol. Well you SO know I’m anything but beige. Even if my wardrobe leaves many wondering. The rest of me is anything but. Ya know it’s probably bc I’m 5’10” and live in flip flops that these are too much for me. Talk about giraffe! Lol. I was once in a wedding party and the bride who is a dear friend chose a shoe with a 3 1/4 inch heel to go with our dresses. is all I can say about my appearance in said heels. ;0) I was terrified. I’m pretty sure I walked on tip toes all night and looked like some street walker for fear of breaking an ankle. Lol.
These are budget McQueen. I love them.
love them!!! almost turning urself into a sculpture of some sort up on a pedestal. nice!