I live in a lovely little suburban town. Its nice in terms of community and neighbors and stuff like that, but in terms of art and inspiration, it’s not exactly a “go-to” hotspot.
And then, this little art shop / gallery opened. It’s like a bright little light shining its creative energy onto a traditional suburban main street. I went in to meet the owners. See if this is real or imagined. It’s real. I’m gonna go in there tomorrow and see if he’s interested in displaying some of my teeze handbags. It’ll be so Muchy if i sell a couple of those. They are incredibly awesome bags that have been sitting in my basement since i closed up shop a few years back. And maybe I’ll bring in some Muchness bands. See how they translate at retail… Hmmm exciting stuff!!!!
When I went last week this message was on a blackboard out front. (I never see that in this hood!!) What kind of world will YOU dream today??
Yay!!! They’re FINALLY UP!!
Extremely limited quantities. I had a bunch made in an assortment of colors and lengths and some may have already sold out— But don’t worry! When I get your order I’ll let you know if it’s on hand right away and whatever you order I will make sure to have by 7/1... at which point I’ll hopefully have an idea what I’m doing
This is my cousin L’via with my niece. One is related to me through my dad and the other through my husband. They are not related to each other at all. Yet somehow the two of them joined forces to create this incredible cake that is overloaded with Tons of Muchness.
That cake is awe-some.
L’via makes tons of awesome cakes. She is to cakes what I am to glitter. She also makes cakes with glitter. That’s hot.
Hi! Tawnya is my friend and she is awesome. And she bought herself an awesome hat. It’s got army toughness, rugged worn-out rips and contrasting muchy seed beaded sparkly leaves with a vintage-y feel… I love how it’s all these different looks all coming together. And I love Muchy hats. Because when you wear Muchy hats, people look at you. And you better have your Muchness Confidence on full blast!! It’s like Muchy shoes for the head!
But enough nonsense from me…. Tawnya writes:
“Tova…I got some muchness going on it this new hat :)… Thanks for keeping muchness in mind while I shop!! Muah!!”
Tawnya- now we just need a picture of you IN the hat!!!
IN TOUCH WITH THE MUCH- Let’s Flouresce!
So, I walk a total of five city blocks through midtown manhattan to get from the bus station to my office. It’s not the most exciting area of manhattan for people watching but when you activate your “Much-dar”, there’s enough Muchness inspiration to keep me relatively interested. Especially now that the weathers warming up.
With that in mind, I’d like to issue a
New Muchness Category Alert!!
On my walk today I saw no less than three people embracing the fluorescent colors so popular in my NKOTB obsessed adolescence.
Except the wearers I saw were not wearing braces and nylon baseball caps. Unfortunately, I only got a picture of one. I am going to have to learn to speak up and stop those I deem “In Touch With The Much” in order to request their pic.
The first was a super cool looking Guy in jeans and sneakers. Really clean cut looking, but those sneakers- nikes I believe, had the fattest, neonist laces ever. On a black and white shoe.
The second was this chick with the bag. It was hot.
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The third, my favorite, actually made me laugh in delight. An older gentleman with a dapper bald head. Linen khakis. White button down. Bone colored Oxford shoes. Fluorescent orange socks. Sounds dumb but it was a beautiful thing. Damn. I wish I had a picture.
Speaking of much or too much- TOO MUCH!!!
American idol chic turned around and I’m like “whoa- humungo earrings!! Bracelets!!! Chains!!! Blond hair!!! Brown hair!!! Big hair!!! Halter neck!!! Shiny lipstick!!! Pounds of eye shadow!!! Handkerchief hem!!! Contrast trims!!! Giant flower ring!!!”
Okay!!!! I get it!!! TOO MUCH!!!
(that Lauren Alaina girl can sing though…)
Reader Submission!! In touch with the Much!
Jennifer posted on her Facebook wall
“I’m inspired … to put muchness in my day w/ sparkly hoops for a wedding we are attending!”
Jen- when I saw your pic I giggled in delight! You look so cute and happy and your earrings are really cute…. and shiny!!!!
I really love the reader submissions! I should just rename them “Tova’s Muchness Pic of the Day” because they really are… but that category name is already taken… haha!