I would have been so sad if I had not been able to pull out my camera and snap this pic in time. It was all about the Muchness. I especially love how the tomato tights contrast to the black and white asphalt. Some dude saw me take the picture and he snorted. Hmmmm… that dude? Outta touch with The Much.
Another Reader Submission!!! (I love these )
Dennel is my girl- she actually sews her own own Muchness! How awesome is that? I have more than one submission from her because she is clearly a whiz on the Singer (or Brother, or Viking Husqvarna, or whatever the heck she sews on) but I am just gonna post one today. Leave you waiting for more….
Dennel (In her silver pants) Writes: This muchness is a lot of fun. Being an adult sucks sometimes and it’s great to be OK with throwing away all the worries of social acceptability and just being free to sparkle.
Ya know what? I couldn’t agree more. I wanna rewrite that quote in glitter glue and put it on a flag on my front lawn!
Go on with your bad self in your silver pants! I hope you wear those to the grocery store on a saturday morning. That place could use a little Muchness.
Yay!!! A reader submission!
Lynette writes:
I needed a little ‘pick me up’. Your blog inspired me, I needed Muchness! I was browsing the jewelry isle and bam, you came to mind. I found these bracelets that add a little bling to my day, and ohhh, the shoes! Doesn’t every woman feel better in a cute pair of heels
Thanks “much” Tova! How does it feel to be an inspiration?!
xoxo, Lynette
>>>Lynette, it feels AWESOME!!! Thank you SO much for sharing your Muchness! And I LOVE the boots!
Want to submit YOUR Muchness photo? Contact me! I’d love to post it!!
xox, Tova
Hannah Found Her Muchness!
Last Night on The Biggest Loser, Hanna found her Muchness!!!
So, in case you’ve not been keeping up with the show, Hanna and Olivia are sisters who started off fat and in typical Biggest Loser fashion, are now not fat. Inspired. She’s got a big mouth and she talks a lot and a lot of what she says is funny.
So, last night her team won a challenge and their prize was a night on the town, Hollywood style. So she got all dolled up to go out and they interviewed her.
Now, the last time this girl saw the light of day she was 80 POUNDS HEAVIER. Now, she is a hottie. and clearly she feels like one. So, what does Miss Hannah decide to wear? These:
GO MUCHNESS GIRL!!!! Hannah is In Touch With The Much!!!
I am a dork that does not know how to use the internet properly. But I do know how to use my phone. So I recorded Hannah talking about her Muchness, and how she’s flaunting it. If only she knew the word… there really is no other better word to describe it…
You can see the video here: (poor audio)
But just a few prized snippets:
“Check it out- these heels are almost as big as my face, ok?”
“see all this magic, all this gorgeous leather craftsmanship, This spiked heel… these are some serious shoes…”
“Mom, I’ve never been so proud in my life, I’m not lying.”
This scene made me happy for hannah. I think she should bedazzle her Biggest Loser t-shirt and cover her weights with sequins.
…actually, maybe if I did that I’d actually be inclined to use weights….
***note to self: Buy sequins. Buy weights. Buy Glue. Mix and Use.
Went to a wedding last week and there were tons of people wearing sparkle. It was festive and pretty but I quickly realized that not all sparkle is actually Muchness. And by extension, not all Muchness is sparkle.
For example:
This woman is in Touch with the Much.
This skirt, not so much
It’s like I really, really wanna like it. It’s got all the ingredients:
3-4 types of sparkle, various textures, seemingly random placement of sparky Trim. And yet, that skirt depresses me somehow. Takes itself so seriously. Tries soo hard.
Maybe it was the wearer. Maybe on someone with different energy- and a different shirt, I’d think differently. Something to think about.
One more sneaky pic:
This lady looked lovely. The whole dress was a dark blue sequin. But then I got close and realized there was a soft chiffon layer covering the whole entire dress. You can see the halo it creates on her sleeve. It looked pretty but I thought- why would you want to tame the Muchness??
It all started 30 days ago. Well, not really. It actually started 30 (or so) years ago. When I was born. But no-one is really that interested in the nitty gritty details. So, for all intents and purposes, it started 30 days ago. When I read the line:
I thought “Wait- I used to be much muchier, but then I did! I lost my Muchness!” And so started my facebook photo album “30 Days Of Muchness.” My quest to Find My Muchness through Sparkles, Color and Smiles. You can read more about it here.
I’ve assembled this post with all 30 days of my original 30 DAYS OF MUCHNESS.
I wanted to also share the comments- they are half the fun, but it was too hard to figure out how to copy and paste them all. Oh well.
“I used to be much mucher, I think I have lost my muchness.” In an attempt to regain my “muchness” I’m introducing my “Muchness pic of the day”… I find my muchness when I wear sequins and happy clothes and ridiculously high heels. How do you tap into your muchness?
No work today so Im still in my PJs. 17 months ago I put up the first of these mirrored backsplash tiles (actually dollar store coasters). Today, it has finally been completed!! No two colored tiles are the same exact color, and the beveled edges on the mirrors sparkle like the fanciest crystals. It’s a whole lot of Muchness!
A little bit of sparkle, even on the weekends!
Today is Sunday and it is Mollys day of Muchness. She insisted on wearing this dress. Apparently my insanity is hereditary.
If you can’t wear sequin encrusted leggings to work on a dreary, rainy monday, when can you wear them?? I mean, really…
I’ve had this neon green sequined scarf for two years and never thought to actually wear it. Until now. Daydreaming of ways to tap into my Muchness also sparks creativity and confidence!
Apparently, these are the shoes I (now) concider appropriate for navigating through the concrete jungle.
Giving the sequins a break and going back to the default sparkle of choice, RHINESTONES!!! When Elie asked me to marry him I actually looked at the ring and said “ooh, it’s just like a swarovski crystal only shinier!”
Some people have commented that they like this “30 Days of Muchness,” but they don’t really “get it”. Is it really just about what i’m wearing that day that sparkles and shines? Not even close. This journey into Finding My Muchness is about being present in the moment. It’s about remembering to see the fun, optimism, beauty and creativity that we so easily start to overlook as we get older. The sparkle is just a tool that helps me to do that. But somedays it’s harder than others. In the spirit of that I present MUCHNESS PIC OF THE DAY -DAY 10
My old college friend Robert Johnson. Sadly, he passed away early this week from longstanding health problems. He leaves behind a wife and young daughter. Although I haven’t seen him in a long while, I can’t remember him without a big ol’ smile on his face. Robert was in touch with his Muchness. You will be missed, my friend.
Sometimes what sparkles isn’t what makes you shine.
Pre-Birthday Birthday cake decorated by the birthday girl herself. Edible Sparkle. Because everyone knows that muchness starts inside you.
It’s game day!! Can you guess where on my outfit the sparkle is? First one with the right answer wins a smile!! Yay!! Haha!!
When in doubt, go neutral.
Today at work was so busy I didn’t have the time to post my Muchness! But lots of golden opportunities presented themselves and I dressed for the occassion.
I had my Muchness all planned out since last night (planning the Muchness is half the fun!) when my co-worker walked in this morning and ruined my plan!! She gave me earrings! Said they made her think of me. Can’t imagine why… Not only do they sparkle, but they make this shimmy-shimmy noise in my ears that sounds like a Lilliputian Party! Guess the original Muchness will have to wait for another day…
Today I was on the hunt for Muchness while doing my friday errands. Took a while but I finally found success!! Stopped by my cousin L’via’s to help her with some stuff and her 13 year old daughter was reading the very next book on my reading list!! (hmmmm… does this mean I have to start a reading list?…) Happy Friday!
If I cannot see my Muchness, does it mean it isn’t there?
Because I can, thats why. Wait? You mean walk in those? Oh no. No I can’t. Small sacrifice.
Something about these sequins makes me thing of sushi. Tomorrow is a Color Splash filming day! You know I’ve been planning my outfit for the last 20 days!!!
Color Splash Filming! That’s right peeps- bedazzled by hand with swarovski crystals… cuz I got nothing better to do with my time. What? Oh… with these and these ..of course.
Wore these boots to pieces when I bought them many years ago. They’ve sat scuffed up and neglected with a hole in their sole till I recently brought them to the shoemaker to have them revived. The ribbon laces just added a little extra oomph cuz some days you need that.
They arrived!!! I <3 them soooo much!!! You can see the million color hologram reflection the best when they’re in motion. They ROCK!!!
What other three year olds get to glitter coat bags for their friends for Purim? My girl’s got Muchness!
How much? THIS MUCH!!!!
Confession: I wore something today for my muchness, but really, I dont like it. Its brown. Blech. And, by extension, today kinda sucked. I’m congested. Im working on 4 hours sleep. It’s rainy. It’s cold. I’m bloated. Just want to go home, cuddle up and wait for tomorrow. But then, I passed the florist. I pass him every day. Waiting patiently since the beginning of sunflower season for him to display those yellow blooms right next to the white daisies. Anticipating that the day he did that, i’d know it was gonna be a good day. And there they were! It’s only 4 o’clock. We’ll see what the rest of the day brings… My spirits are lifted.
We got a new front door!!!! Three years with a rickity, sqeeky, energy sucking and most importantly, sunshine blocking oooold door- replaced in just a couple of hours!!! Baby, let the light shine in!!!! What? Yes- that is just clear glass looking right into our home. Mr. David “color splash” Bromstad will be addressing that situation in three short weeks!!!
Today I sorta feel like a disco dancing, construction working lesbian. And I’m OK with that! Happy Wednesday!
It’s the final day folks and my 30 Days Of Muchness has honest-to-god transformed me.
30 Days of Life
30 Days of Color
30 Days of Sparkle
30 Days of Fun
30 Days of Found Joy
30 Days of Healing
30 Days of Happy
… How can I not continue?? Stay tuned for the next stages of Muchness… Thank You to everyone who “liked” or commented… I appreciate it!!