The secret to staying inspired

Last week I had lunch with a new friend, a woman who mostly knows me through my online persona. She sees my happy, colorful Facebook posts, my colorful shoes, and how I appear all bright eyed and bushy tailed in the blue tutu dress on the pages of this website and my newsletters.

She looked at me at the opening of our conversation and said:

“I really want to know, how do you stay inspired?”

and I stared at her like a deer in headlights. I had no idea how to answer that question. We sat in that sushi restaurant for two+ hours talking about all types of things in our lives, in our journeys to find ourselves, our purpose, our joys and challenges.

As soon as we parted ways I started thinking about that questions “How do I stay inspired?” and I knew the answer immediately.

I don’t.


I don’t stay inspired. What I do, (or try to do) is keep creating reasons to be inspired. It’s sort of a habit, at this point, that started with my 30 Day Muchness Challenge 2 years ago. However, like any habit that is technically good for us but hard to maintain, it comes and goes in stages, just like eating healthy, working out or, um, religiously flossing on a regular basis (TMI?)

I’ve blogged before when I have been through stages where I felt completely uninspired, where I feel like a Muchness fraud, where I am not proactively walking my walk. It usually goes hand in hand with a lack of blog posts because when I am not walking my walk I have a hard time talking my talk.

What I realized, – the “secret” and what I want you to know is that “staying inspired”, or connected, or mindful, or happy is that it’s not about an aha moment and suddenly stepping onto a new, solid foundation of inspiration, mindfulness, connectedness or happiness. It is about recognizing those tiny moments in your day that support those feelings, and then stringing them together + creating more of them to fill the gaps. It’s a choice, in every moment, to turn that moment into a Muchness Moment, and you have the power to make it.

That’s really the thought process that went into the creation of the 30 Day Deck. By providing a prompt to a feeling you want to capture, it helps you recognise those fleeting moments and  string them together to create a platform upon which to stay inspired. (or mindful, or connected or happy.) And by choosing to do it EVERY DAY for for 30 days in a row, you’ll create forward momentum that’ll keep you going well beyond the day that last card gets filled out and put into the jar.

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The whole Muchness story…

A few months back I came across Alana Sheeren. A baby loss mom who found her strength in her loss, she shares the message that grief can be transformational. She’s even given a TED talk. “I believe there are gifts in the darkest moments and that we are all deserving of joy. I believe in accepting our ugly bits, our angry parts and our own lack of grace. I believe in the beauty of the human spirit. I believe that as each of us steps more fully into our own power, and lives in greater alignment with our deepest desires, we open the door to the empowerment of others.”

Then she went and turned the tables, asking me to be a subject of her weekly interview series “Transformation Talk”

Today our conversation was posted on her site.

Alana had a way of drawing out my story in ways and detail I’ve never shared before. I talked about how I started losing my Muchness in the first place, and what the work I do really means to me. I also shared two unusual facts about me that really define who I believe I am in this world and why I do what I do. I know so many of you will be able to relate…

It’s our unedited conversation – 32 minutes, so put it on in the background while you work…

[youtube_sc url=””]

The secret to seeing light over darkness

I know you know what it feels like to be angry. Really, really angry. It’s like a fire burning in your gut. You want to lash out and scream. Maybe hit something and inflict pain upon the source of your anger. Even the quieter anger has an undercurrent of that red hot fire. Like a cartoon version of anger, with steam blowing out your ears, or the evil witch with fire in her eyes…
Some people live with a fire of anger burning inside of them, lashing out because they’re burning up from the inside out.
But what happens when you dont want to live like that, and so the fire goes out, but the anger remains?
You’re left with ash.
I recently read a baby loss mom describe feeling as though her insides were filled with black ash and I thought “I know that feeling well.”
When Liat began to grow, from a tiny little bean, into the incredible baby I ultimately gave birth to, I was filled with ash.
The flames of anger had burned through my very soul until they had nothing left to devour.
I’m a very visual person and I remember lying in bed one night imagining this little ray of light, my tiny new fetus, glowing through the blackness of my insides.
In my mind this little ray of light had to push through the black and the soot fighting for her right to shine.
In a way, I started wearing the sequins to help her. I wore the sequins to connect me to her light. I wore them as a way to make up for the darkness inside me, as an apology to my new baby for being forced to grow surrounded by the darkness of my pain and grief.
When Liat was born, with her blond hair, pale skin, bright hazel eyes and easy smile, she honestly embodied light. Strangers would often, randomly refer to her as “Sunshine”- which was ironically, her sisters name, and remark on her warm, loving & happy energy.

As she’s gotten older, I continue to be amazed at the sweetness of her nature and wonder if she’d still be that way if I hadn’t found some light during my pregnancy.


I was six months pregnant here. Only 9 months after the loss. I remember this day so well, I was somewhere between deep grief and an aching desire to feel happy. We had so many friends over for our annual vegan-fest (Annual in that it was the only one we’ve ever had. 🙂 )  and I wore that shirt because Liat and I looked like a disco ball in it and it always made other people smile.


30 Day Deck Preorder

We choose how we want our moments to feel. We choose our perspective and we choose how we show up the world.

What’s your choice?

Finding YOUR “Do Good Mission” to change your life

Yesterday I had an incredible opportunity to speak with Erin Giles. I started getting to know Erin through her site and I find what she does completely fascinating. Erin had been so moved after watching a movie about sex trafficking that she started a business around the goal of working to end it.

Erin connected with some VIP’s and asked them to write essays which she ultimately put into a book that was sold to raise money ($10,000!!) and bring awareness to this mission that moved her so deeply.

…and now she teaches other women to do the same. 

I wanted to share her with you because I know a lot of you are seeking MORE. Seeking to make meaning from your losses or recapture your Muchness and do something meaningful and rewarding. It’s how I got started on this Muchness mission, and it was a calling I could not deny. Now, I am learning the tools I need to take it from a middle of the night passion to a my life’s mission. If you feel the same desire to do more and give back but feel like you can’t afford to make a change like that in your life, or simply don’t have a clue where to start, Erin’s course is a great opportunity to show you that YOU CAN.

Click PLAY and get to know her a bit and then check out her course Rocket Your Revolution.

[youtube_sc url=””]


I take your trust very seriously and am very selective about the products I choose to share with you. (Except when it comes to shoes. Where shoes are concerned, the crazier, the better. 🙂 ) While I am an affiliate of this program it is because I truly understand, from my own experience, how incorporating your passion into a business can be so incredibly rewarding. I also know that after trauma or loss, we are changed, and the jobs and lifestyles that fit the “old” us may not be a great match for the women we change into. Life is short and this is a world full of possibilities. I believe that our passion + the know-how and support to meet our potential we are truly unstoppable.

I finshed my wall.. Now what?

My big resolution for 2013? No resolutions. Those things are so clichéd. I mean, really. EVERYONE is out and about making resolutions at the beginning of the new year, and those that aren’t talking about making them, are making clichéd jokes about breaking them.

Bah Humbug. 

No resolutions for me. I am going to wait until May to decide on MY new years resolutions. That way, I can decide if I want to tell people about them AND I can decide how long I want to give myself to keep them. Why May? Why Not. My life, my rules.

But one thing I DID tell myself a few months back that I finally got around to doing was ORGANIZING my desk space. In my head I had visions of a really super interactive workspace where I could write my brainstorms, my lists, my to-do’s, my to-don’t’s and everything in between so I could stay on a schedule. I like to have everything right in front of me to see and be reminded of at all times… but unless I am anally organized, I’m a total effing mess. There. Is. No. Middle. Ground.

But yesterday I finished my great new WALL OF FUNCTION!

I am very excited to see if it actually keeps me functioning.





Some days I have shitty days. Who knew? :-P

I have a confession.

Sometimes I wonder if I should blog more through the random crappy days where I don’t know what I’m doing and second guess myself till I’m blue in the face… but then… well, I don’t wanna be a buzz kill.

I mean, I know even the self-proclaimed Queen Of Muchness is allowed to have those crappy days, and I know that I should really allow you all to see them, because then it will you give you the opportunity to cheer me up, and then we BOTH will have a Muchness Moment! (YAY!) But still, I feel like if I’m here to demonstrate the powers of Muchness, should I really be complaining about the day-to-day crap that sometimes lives rent-free in my head?

The truth is,  I have fallen out of the habit of blogging about all types of stuff whenever…and I miss it… I think at some point I got it in my head that every post had to be deep and meaningful and purposeful in a way that I could articulate.

This idea got me totally messed up in my head for a long time. 

Because clearly everything I write is incredibly deep and meaningful.

No. Because this is simply my blog. And some days I have shitty days. And some days I can’t find Muchness. Actually THAT is not true. Somedays I don’t feel like looking for Muchness. Somedays, I just want to dig my ass into the couch and watch TV with my husband. Or, watch TV so bad my husband refuses to watch it with me.

But, the fact is, I am both a teacher and a student of Muchness.  I am putting myself out there so that others can learn as I  learn. Through practice. And honesty.

Here’s a bit of light entertainment:

I have a friend that started a juicing company…. shes obsessed with fresh made juices and how they make you feel amazing and all this stuff… This passion runs through her to her very bones. She was handmaking and delivering juice all around NJ for months…. running herself ragged…. she was so burnt out and stressed and broke she started bartending to make ends meet. Stopped making juice because she couldnt afford organic produce and found herself drinking beer instead. We were talking and she was like “I feel like such a fraud!!!!” and I was like “That’s how I feel when I wear sneakers!!”

No matter who you are or what you do, no one is perfect and the most we can do is aim your time and life at more positive and helpful than negative. The honest truth is that my day-to-day is SO MUCH better in so many ways than before I found the Muchness that I don’t even measure it against the same stick. I need to remember BTM (before The Muchness) and really keep seeing my littlest Muchness Moments —- there are a ton of them!!


Today’s Muchness Pic Of the day! No Heels!!!

PS- Thanks Ronit for the reminder!

30 Day Deck of Muchness Moments!

I’m so excited to share with you the 30 Day Deck of Muchness Moments cards that I’ve been working on!!!

WooooHoooo!!!!! (I know…. it’s all so very exciting! Right?!?!)


These cards are designed to be a fun, interactive way for you to tap into your Muchness Moments… ya know, those moments that pop into your day where you feel light and joy from the inside…. those moments that are so easy to overlook if you’re not paying attention to them….


Cuz here’s the facts…. it’s really easy to overlook the good stuff.

It’s really easy to get hung up on all the bad shit that goes wrong on any given day. It’s really easy to bitch and moan about the little things that are annoying and lame and generally just move way. too. slow.

I know because I am a Grade A complainer. I know. True Confession. Shhhh.


(Yes, that’s right, it’s a big but.) 

…turns out YOU have control over the little things. It’s all about perception. You can actually train your brain to tune into the GOOD shit that pops up in your day. Revolutionary, right?

How do you do that? PRACTICE.

Just like wearing 7″ platforms, it just takes practice. And that’s what these cards are designed to do. They are designed to help you practice seeing the good stuff. Because life happens in the little moments. and YOU decide which ones you’re seeing.

[youtube_sc url=””]

Please head on over to our Indiegogo campaign and pre-buy these cards for yourself and your favorite people. They are priced well below our actual retail price PLUS there’s like, tons of add-on bonuses that make them Super-muchtastic! If we don’t meet our goal, I can’t make the cards and then there’s gonna be lots of muchless, sad faced people moping around…. including you! (Though you will get your $ back)

So, Please do what you can to help us spread Muchness!!!! Share the campaign, share the site, take a 30 Day Muchness Challenge! Be a hero, Be Muchtastic. You Rock!


Fresh Perspective and why it’s so important

It’s been almost 3 months since  I left my full time job and I gotta say, working from home is not all it’s cracked up to be. It’s hard. It’s hard to stay motivated, it’s hard to stay connected to human beings and simultaneously, it’s hard to stay off Facebook when I know I have important work to get done if I am going to share The Muchness with The Masses.

But one thing that became very clear to me in the last few days is that I’ve gotten stuck in a rut. I’ve forgotten that this is supposed to be -NAY – this NEEDS to be FUN! I’ve been so bogged down by the BIG HEAVY questions of what I’m doing + being at home almost all day, all by myself, that I’ve forgotten to have any fun!!

So. Not. Muchy. 

Last night I went to a networking event. I met some really interesting women doing some exciting stuff, and  got to speak OUT LOUD, TO HUMAN BEINGS, about The Muchness. I got to tell one woman all of my visions for MuchnessTV and  I loved watching her laugh as I described how I envisioned it, the different segments and guests.

I need to figure out how to get out from behind my computer more often. I love people. I love watching the reactions I get when I explain The Muchness- The lightbulb moment where they I *get* it and say “oh! I have to get a Muchness band for my sister / cousin / friend – That’s exactly what they need to lift them out of this funk.”

It’s my fuel. My tank was feeling close to empty. I pull the same crap with my car, letting it get so close to empty before I pull into a gas station. Note to self:  I must refuel myself before that light goes on. Do you also let your tank get down to E before you remember to refuel? In your car… in your life? It’s so hard sometimes, so ya just keep justifying – “oh- I only have to make one short trip, then I’ll refuel. Oh, I can feel the car hesitating but the lights not even on yet…. blah blah blah….” the justifications are ultimately so useless.



Words of wisdom for a friday