Seems my super unique “Much or too much” shoes are pretty popular! They’re called The Skate shoe from Jeffrey Campbell and it seems people are selling them all over the web. <—– That last one is Nordstroms, people.
So what did I do? I showed them folks at Jeffrey Campbell my unique-er spin on their unique-ish shoes.
Im glad Yours look so much better! ps u seem to be a very busy girl. 12 notifactaions and 61 friend request? I dont know how you find the time to do everything you do. seems as tho you might be SUPERMOM! if one was to ever exsist you beet her by far
hahaha! Thanks!!
I was like “what is she talking about—-61 friend requests???? where??? who??/ what???? ME?????”
I took that snapshot while logged in as my Finding My Muchness page and as a page, in that spot, it shows you the number of recent people whove liked your page. and the notifications were “likes” and comments just on that page… so not me personally, but The Muchness is busy!